Eating Your Nose Droppings Would Be Good For Your Health, Scientists Say!

Is your child eating his boogers in front of you?

Good parent that you are, you wonder ...

"Hey, by the way, is booze good or bad for your health?"

Good question: should you worry when your child goes hunting for treasure in his nostrils?

A child eats his boogers with a text: good for your health?

For my part, I admit it: my daughter eats her boogers.

When I asked her why she was doing that, she just shrugged her shoulders and just replied:

"Bin, mom ... because it's good!".

No matter how much I tell her to stop, I often catch her sticking her index finger in her nostrils.

Of course, eating his boogers is spitting up. But is it good or bad for children's health?

To note :I wrote this text only for humorous purposes, not to give medical advice. Like many children, my daughter eats her boogers ... my article just tries to tackle this subject with humor!

In fact, what is booze?

A young boy with blue eyes sticking his index finger up his nose.

Scientifically, boogers are a form of mucus, a viscous, translucent secretion made by the lining of the nostrils.

And what you need to know is that this nasal mucus also has an important function.

Indeed, it serves to filter and collect the microparticles which enter through the nasal cavities.

Thus, the mucus forms a barrier against dust, pollen, tobacco smoke, exhaust gases and bacteria.

Simply put, it keeps all of this bad stuff from getting into our lungs and making us sick.

Also be aware that some of this mucus is naturally drawn down the throat.

Eh yes ! This means that every day, we eat our own boogers, without even knowing it!

As for the rest of the mucus, it is pushed forward from the nostrils by tiny hairs inside the nostrils called vibratile cilia.

More or less rich in water, the mucus eventually dries up and hardens to give the appearance of our famous "droppings" or "scabs" on the nose.

Why do children eat their boogers?

As you will understand, our boogers are stuffed with dirt, microparticles and a lot of other crazy stuff ...

But if they are so disgusting, why do children like to eat them?

Well believe it or not it's because they taste good!

This is because boogers tend to have a salty taste, and sometimes even a sweet taste.

In fact, when my daughter says her boogers taste great ... she isn't entirely wrong!

Eating your boogers: it's good for your health!

Microscopic view of booze microbes.

Yes, it may seem surprising, but it is the reality!

By letting children be exposed to dirt and bacteria, you help strengthen their immune systems.

It's like letting your kids play outside instead of letting them inside the house all day.

This is because all the dirt and bacteria collected by the nasal mucus can help the body strengthen the immune system.

Thus, they act as a kind of "vaccination" to fight diseases.

This is what scientists call the "hygienic hypothesis," a theory that some exposure to bacteria is beneficial to the body.

Likewise, an overly clean and sanitized lifestyle leads to weakened immune systems in young children.

So when children are exposed to microorganisms like germs and bacteria, it strengthens their immune response.

And, it is through this mechanism that our bodies "vaccinate" themselves by "learning" to fight against harmful microbes.

By eating their microbe-filled noses, children strengthen their immune systems and improve their health as adults.

So far, there is only one study to support this theory, conducted by researchers at Harvard University.

But anyway, know that it is really eating your boogers is unlikely to be bad for your health.

Teach your child how to pick their nose

A child eats his boogers: good or bad for your health?

The children are cleaning their noses. And they do it naturally, that's how it is.

Before making war on your toddler, tell yourself we've all been there!

When you were a child, you too surely plunged your index finger into a nostril to look for a precious treasure.

But rest assured, children quickly understand that it is best to avoid this habit, or at least in public.

In the meantime, since your child will be exploring his nostrils anyway, you might as well teach him how to do it.

Yes, because there really is a "good" way to pick your nose !

Indeed, pediatricians advise teaching children to remove boogers with a paper tissue, instead of using their fingers.

Not only does this prevent the risk of children scratching their nasal cavities, it also prevents germs from spreading to their hands.

Most importantly, teaching children to wash their hands well after blowing their nose is essential to prevent the spread of viruses and bacteria.

To teach your child how to properly pick up his nose or wash his hands, I recommend the book Pee, poo and boogers by Sophie Dussaussois and Amélie Faliere:

The book Pee, poo and booze written by Sophie Dussaussois and Amélie Faliere.


If your child likes to eat his boogers, don't worry ...

In fact, it must be good for his health!

Sooner or later I know my daughter will understand the standards of our society and ...

... like us, she too will stop eating her boogers at least, in public!

Believe me, my nose is hollow! Me, I always choose my battles ... and boogers are not one of them!

Your turn...

And you, do you let your kids eat their boogers? Tell us in the comments. We can't wait to hear from you!

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