How to Machine Wash your Laundry with Marseille Soap?

One trick to do without detergent for the washing machine is to use Marseille soap instead.

Grandmother's recipe for making Marseille soap laundry detergent is far from complicated.

Even I succeeded!

Thanks to this homemade recipe, you will be able to make your own laundry and wash your laundry more economically. Explanations:

Grandmother's recipe for doing her laundry at home


- 2 Marseille soaps of 50 g

- 3 liters of hot water

- 3 tablespoons of baking soda

- 7 drops of lemon essential oil

How to do

1. Grate the 2 Marseille soaps using a cheese grater.

Grate Marseille soap to make laundry

2. Boil 2 liters of water in a saucepan.

3. Gently pour the soap shavings into the saucepan, lowering the heat.

Pour the soap shavings into the saucepan

4. Mix with a wooden spatula.

5. Add 3 tablespoons of baking soda and continue mixing. Put out the fire.

Add the baking soda to the mixture

6. Add 7 drops of lemon essential oils to scent the laundry and mix. This step is optional.

7. Pour the mixture into a large bucket.

8. Add 1 liter of hot water and mix.

Add hot water then mix

9. Let the mixture sit overnight.

10. Pour your detergent into an empty detergent container.


And there you have it, you just have to launch your 1st economical Marseille soap machine :-)

Now you know what to replace your laundry with in the washing machine!

Simple, practical and economical!

Use the same dosage as for conventional non-concentrated detergent. To make it easier to dose, use the measuring cap from your can.

Wondering where to put the laundry with Marseille soap? It's very simple: in the bin where you usually put your laundry.

do not forget to shake the can well before using it.

If the detergent is a little too hard, feel free to add a little more hot water to the mixture.

If you don't have real Marseille soap, you can find some here. You can also buy Marseille soap in flakes directly.

Savings made

Doing your laundry with Marseille soap is a tip to know to save on purchases of liquid detergent.

Marseille soap is much more economical than liquid detergents that you can buy in supermarkets.

I calculated that I was around 6 euro cents per machine ! Not bad the savings, right?

By following our laundry soap recipe, you save on shopping for the same efficiency and cleanliness of your laundry.

Your turn...

Have you tried this grandmother's recipe for making your own Marseille soap laundry? Leave us a comment to share your experiences. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

10 Tips to Know about Marseille Soap, a Magic Product.

How to Clean a Washing Machine in 7 Steps.

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