14 Signs That You're Not Drinking Enough Water (and How To Fix It).

What's more refreshing than a tall glass of cold water with ice cubes?

I don't think it can be denied that sometimes a simple glass of water can be more satisfying than a cup of coffee or a can of soda.

Despite this, too many of us don't drink enough water on a daily basis.

By depriving ourselves of the world's most natural resource, we are harming our bodies.

14 signs of dehydration and remedies to fight heatwave

If you have any of the following signs, you are starting to get dehydrated.

To remedy this, nothing could be simpler! Simply drink a glass of water. Look :

1. Your mouth is dry

dehydration effects on the skin and mucous membranes

It seems logical, but the causes of this drought are not so obvious. Whenever you feel that your tongue sticks, and becomes mushy, you want to drink something liquid. But know that sugary drinks are not the solution. Drinking water lubricates the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat. It will keep your mouth moist with saliva long after the first sip.

2. Your skin is dry

Your skin is the largest organ in your body. She needs to stay hydrated. In fact, dry skin is one of the first signs of dehydration. This dehydration can lead to much more serious problems. A lack of water means a lack of sweat, which leads to the body's inability to get rid of excess dirt and fat that has accumulated throughout the day. If you want to avoid this kind of problem, the first remedy is to drink more water.

3. You are excessively thirsty

dehydration want to drink

We've talked about dry mouth before, but dehydration goes way beyond a dry tongue. Anyone who has ever had a hangover can tell you when they wake up what a body is lacking in water. Alcohol dehydrates the whole body and your brain sends you the message to drink water. These signals are sent until the hydration level becomes correct again. Listen to what your body is telling you: it knows what it is talking about!

4. Your eyes are dry

Now you have understood that the lack of water primarily affects the mouth and throat. But it also leads to dry eyes. They can even inject blood (beware of this after a too drunken evening). Without water in the body, your tear ducts dry out. If you think "So what if I can't cry?" Well, think about how much harm this could cause your eyes, especially if you wear contact lenses on a daily basis.

5. You have joint pain

joint pain due to dehydration

Our cartilages and dorsal discs are made up of approximately 80% water. It is therefore absolutely necessary to avoid that the bones collide with each movement. By keeping your body hydrated, you know your joints can absorb the shock of sudden movements, like jogging, jumping, or awkwardly falling.

6. Your muscle mass is decreasing

Your muscles, too, are made up mostly of water. And, it is obvious that the lack of water will affect your muscle mass. Drinking water before, during, and after a workout keeps you hydrated and fit. But it also brings water to the right places in your body and lowers the risk of developing inflammation and or muscle aches.

7. You are sick longer than normal

you heal less quickly by being dehydrated

Drinking water allows your body to continuously flush out toxins. Your organs work to filter certain waste like a machine. But if you do not supply water to the machine, it cannot work properly. What Happens in a Dehydrated Body? Well, the organs start to draw water from other areas such as the blood, which leads to a whole new set of problems. See instead with the following points:

8. You feel tired and lethargic

As we just said, when a body is dehydrated, it "borrows" the water it needs from the blood. A lack of water in the blood, and it can no longer carry oxygen in the body. Your blood then becomes too thick. Of course, a lack of oxygen leads to drowsiness and outright fatigue. This lack of tone means that each day you are going to be pumping more and more earlier in the day, and remember, coffee cannot help you in the long run. You may also have a headache. So remember to drink water regularly throughout the day.

9. You want to snack regularly

dehydration makes you hungry

When you're dehydrated, your body thinks it needs food. This happens throughout the day, but also at night when you wake up at midnight with a hunger pang. However, eating food creates even more work for your body. While drinking water purifies your organs and provides it with the fuel it needs to continue its actions.

10. You have digestion problems

We have already explained that without water our mouth and throat are dry. Keeping them hydrated allows the lining to function properly. This is also true for the entire digestive system. Without proper hydration, the amount and strength of mucus in the stomach decreases. As a result, the acid in your stomach can do serious damage to your body. This causes what we commonly call heartburn and indigestion.

11. You are constipated

As we said, staying hydrated helps lubricate the digestive system. When you're dehydrated, your intestines draw water from where they can (and if they can) to make the feces more flexible. With only one goal: that they slide better in your intestines. Without going into too much detail, I'll let you understand what this lack of lubricant can cause ...

12. You pee less

When you are dehydrated you have constipation problems

Believe it or not, if you don't go to the bathroom 4-7 times a day, you're probably not hydrated enough. And when you go, your pee should be light yellow or transparent. If it's darker yellow, your body is lacking in hydration. In extreme cases, dehydration can lead to urinary tract infections. In this case, you should consult a doctor immediately.

To discover : 7 Effective Remedies To Treat Urinary Tract Infection.

13. Your skin ages prematurely

dehydrated skin signs and wrinkles

The amount of water in our body decreases as we age. So, it means that as we age, we should consciously increase our water intake. While premature aging is more evident on the outside, the damage it does on the inside will be felt over time. To decrease this risk, it is important to continue to drink water throughout your life.

14. If you are reading this article, it is because you have doubts

I drink water all the time. I almost always have a glass or a bottle of water next to me. Even when I'm working or squatting in front of the television.

If you clicked on this article, you might have been thinking, "Um, actually, maybe I'm not drinking enough water."

If so, pour yourself a glass of WATER immediately!

On the other hand, if you know that you are not drinking the recommended amount of water (which is much more than you think), it won't hurt to drink more water.

To make sure you're drinking enough water throughout the day, use this simple tip here.

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Also to discover:

11 Great Benefits Of Water For Your Body That You Didn't Know About!

This Woman Was 10 Years Rejuvenated In Just 4 Weeks By Adding 1 Tip To Her Diet.

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