How To Lose Weight Effectively And Quickly With The Cold.

Are you tired of diets of all kinds?

You never last more than a month? Can't lose weight?

Welcome to the club ! You are like most people in this world.

Fortunately, nature is well done and has given us other ways to lose weight. Among these, the cold.

Find out all there is to know, and how to use it to burn calories and soar fat.

how to lose pounds and calories through the cold

Why does it work?

The body works at full speed all the time to keep our temperature at 37 ° C. This is almost where half of our energy leaves, so half of our calories!

Cooling our body by force is therefore forcing it to spend even more calories to keep it at temperature; that is, by simply being cold, you can lose weight.

The "firewood" of our body is glycogen, that is to say fat. It's what our muscles use, and when we're not moving them, it's what our body uses to warm up.

By being cold, we force the body to draw on our reserves!

How to do ?

No need to go immerse yourself in an ice water bath every day (by the way, it's pretty bad for your health).

You just need to adopt simple gestures which do not require you to radically change your habits.

1. Drink from very cold water : Keep a bottle of water in the fridge if necessary, but try to stick to ice-cold water, which will then need to be warmed by your body.

2. Cover yourself less: Covering yourself less will force your body to heat itself. So remove a layer of sweater ! In addition, if you have to run, it will prevent you from sweating, and you will feel less heavy.

3. Lower it heating : thanks to your plan, you will save electricity. By lowering the heating, you will be a little less hot and you will therefore no longer save calories.

To learn all about ideal temperatures at home (you can even lower them a bit for this method), check out this tip.

4. Decrease the temperature of your shower : inflicting an ice bath, very little for me. On the other hand, accepting to take a shower a little colder (as often as possible), it is negotiable!


There you go, you know how to lose a few extra pounds easily :-)

Easy, right?

If you add a little sport to all of this, and if you eat normally, you should see the pounds melt like snow in the sun!

If you do just that, the process will be slower, but don't give up hope! This method not only makes you lose weight, but it better for health in every way : better blood circulation, firming of the skin ... Do not deprive yourself of it.

Your turn...

You tried ? Do you know other methods to lose weight easily? Tell us everything in the comments. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

10 Tips to Lose Weight Effectively Before Summer.

Foods to Avoid to Lose Weight Easily.

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