5 incredible tips to remove tartar from the toilet.

Over the days, tartar gets stuck in the toilets ...

Why ? Because the water stagnates there permanently.

And nothing more difficult to clean than encrusted limestone!

There are plenty of products on the market, such as Harpic, to overcome limestone.

Not only are they overpriced, but they are also far from natural ...

Fortunately, here is 5 incredible tips to remove tartar encrusted in toilets easily and naturally. Look :

Toilets full of tartar before and clean after

Bicarbonate + White vinegar

Baking soda and white vinegar above the bowl to remove limescale

Bicarbonate and white vinegar are formidable in overcoming traces of limestone encrusted in the toilet.

1. Pour 250 ml of white vinegar in the bowl and pass the brush to spread it well. Leave on for 2 min.

2. Pour 150 g of baking soda into the toilet bowl, and add 500 ml of vinegar. This will create a foaming reaction.

3. Leave everything to act for 10 minutes.

4. Use the toilet brush to spread the mixture all around the bowl and especially on the encrusted tartar stains. Do not flush the toilet.

5. Leave on for 30 minutes, brushing once or twice until the limescale disappears.

6. If there are still stains, scrub with the toilet brush or better yet a stiff bristled nylon brush.

7. Flush the toilet to rinse.

Check out the trick here.

Boiling white vinegar

Warm white vinegar on the toilet bowl to descale it

1. Boil white vinegar in a saucepan or kettle (two birds with one stone because the kettle will be descaled in the process).

2. Pour the hot white vinegar into the bowl. Insist on areas where the limestone is well encrusted.

3. Soak a cloth in hot vinegar.

4. Spread the cloth over stubborn lime stains.

5. Leave on overnight.

6. Just flush the toilet.

Check out the trick here.

Soda ash

Soda crystals in a basin to remove lime in the toilets

Soda crystals are also particularly effective in combating limescale in toilets and descaling the bottom of the bowl with heavy scale.

1. Boil 1 liter of water.

2. Put on gloves before handling the soda crystals.

3. In a basin, put 3 tablespoons of soda crystals.

4. Pour the boiling water into the basin, mixing well with the spoon.

5. Pour the mixture directly into the toilet and leave to act for at least 15 min.

6. Brush the bottom of the bowl and flush the toilet.

Check out the trick here.

Citric acid

Citric acid easily descales toilets

1. Boil a liter of water.

2. Pour the water into a container.

3. Add three tablespoons of citric acid to it.

4. Mix well to dilute.

5. Pour your cleaning product into the bowl.

6. Wait 15 minutes before scrubbing with the toilet brush.

7. Flush.

Check out the trick here.

Dentures lozenges

Dentures tablets to remove limescale in toilets

1. Place five denture tablets directly into the bowl.

2. Leave on overnight.

3. Scrub with the toilet brush.

4. Flush.

Check out the trick here.

Bonus: sandpaper

Another option for getting rid of stubborn lime in the toilet is to scrape it off with very fine grit sandpaper.

Prefer the grain called 0000, it is the finest and it will not scratch your toilet.

You can use the sandpaper alone or with a household product to enhance its action.


5 effective tips against tartar in toilets

Now you see that it is not necessary to use harsh and expensive chemicals to combat limescale!

To avoid fighting for hours with limescale, your best bet is to clean your toilet regularly.

Yes, consistency is your best ally! Why ?

Because it is the best way to prevent scale from settling quietly on the bowl of your toilet.

Your turn...

Have you tried these tips for getting rid of lime in the toilet? Tell us in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

The Effective Trick To Clean The Soiled Bottom Of The Bowl.

7 Simple And Effective Tips Against Tartar In The Toilets.

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