How To Clean Vomit From Almost Everything Without Leaving Traces.

With a baby, a cat or a dog at home, vomit is quick to happen!

The problem is that the stain is always misplaced ...

Fabric sofa, carpet, rug, clothing, mattress, leather shoes, duvet, seagrass, car seat, parquet ...

So what can you do to clean this stain easily without getting dirty?

Luckily, there is an effective grandma's trick to removing a vomit stain quickly without leaving a streak.

The trick is to use baking soda and sparkling water. Look :

A fabric sofa with a vomit stain at the top and the same sofa without stain thanks to the baking soda

What you need

- baking soda

- absorbent paper

- sparkling water or seltzer water

How to do

1. Immediately sprinkle the stain with baking soda.

2. Leave to dry for ten minutes.

3. Remove the larger one with the absorbent paper.

4. Vacuum the rest with the vacuum cleaner.

5. If there are halos left, pour soda water over them.

6. Dab with the absorbent paper.


How to remove vomit from microfiber sofa with baking soda

And There you go ! Thanks to the baking soda, you cleaned up the vomit easily without leaving any traces :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, isn't it?

There is no trace or halo left!

The vomit does not have time to soak up and damage everything.

Be aware that you should especially not rub the vomit stains when they are still wet!

Why ? Because all you risk doing is pushing the stain in even more.

Why does it work?

First, the baking soda absorbs the liquid from the vomit.

In addition, it neutralizes the stomach acids contained in vomit. This is decisive, because it is these acids that damage surfaces.

And finally, the baking soda also neutralizes the bad odors of vomit.

As for sparkling water, it loosens residues thanks to the bubbles it contains. It is a stain remover well known to housewives.

Your turn...

Have you tried this grandma's trick for removing vomit stains? Tell us in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

Vomit In The Car: How To Remove Stains And Its Smell.

12 SIMPLE Tips For Removing The Stubbornest Stains.

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