Homemade Anti-Rust For Plastic Garden Furniture.

Want to remove the encrusted rust from your plastic furniture?

Traces of rust on garden furniture, it often happens after having stored them all winter.

Do not panic ! Your PVC garden furniture is not over!

Fortunately, there is a 100% effective and natural way to remove rust stains from plastic.

The trick is to make a homemade anti-rust stain remover to clean your furniture. It's easy and fast ! Look :

Remove a rust stain from plastic with baking soda and black soap

What you need

- 1 cup of baking soda

- 1 cup of black soap

How to do

1. Pour a liter of hot water into a bucket.

2. Add the baking soda.

3. Pour in the black soap.

4. Stir to mix well.

5. Soak a sponge in the mixture.

6. Rub the stains with the sponge.

7. Rinse the plastic off with hot water.

8. Leave to dry.


A homemade anti-rust for plastic furniture

And there you have it, you have permanently removed the traces of rust from your plastic garden furniture :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, isn't it?

You don't even have to buy rust remover.

Now you know how to remove a rust stain from your furniture.

Thanks to your homemade rust remover, your plastic patio furniture has never been so clean. They are like new!

Your homemade anti-rust is economical and in addition, it is 100% natural!

Why does it work?

Black soap is a very effective cleaner for removing all kinds of stains. It is a powerful stain remover.

Baking soda is also a great stain remover, but it's also slightly abrasive which helps scrape away rust.

The two combined products work like a scouring cream that loosens and removes rust stains without damaging plastic surfaces.

Bonus tips

- Not only does this tip work for cleaning furniture and PVC objects, it is also effective in removing rust stains from lino.

- Another solution: use this trick which also works very well to easily remove a rust stain on lino with lemon.

- You can also use sorrel salt and white stone to remove rust from plastic, as explained here.

- If you do not have black soap, it is possible to replace it with dishwashing liquid.

Your turn...

Have you tested that grandma's trick for removing rust from plastic? Tell us in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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15 Simple and Effective Tips To EASILY Rust Removal.

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