The Trick Of A Window Cleaner To Have Traceless Nickel Windows.

I don't know about you, but I hate that my tiles are dirty and full of streaks!

We only see that when the sun goes through ...

The problem is that cleaning the windows is a real chore and often the result is not flawless.

I can tell you that I have tested techniques and so-called miraculous products ...

Fortunately, a window cleaner friend told me his trick to have nickel windows without any trace.

His technique is touse a simple mixture of white vinegar and water then wipe clean with newspaper. Look :

Here is a great trick to have nickel windows without any trace.

What you need

- lukewarm water

- White vinegar

- vaporizer

- ball of newspaper

How to do

1. Fill a spray bottle with 1/3 white vinegar.

2. Top it off with lukewarm water.

3. Now spray the mixture on your windows.

4. Leave to act for a few moments.

5. Wipe with a ball of newspaper.

6. Finish the edges of the glass with a microfiber cloth.


streak-free and shiny windows with white vinegar

And There you go ! Your windows are now sparkling and without any trace :-)

Fast, easy and economical, isn't it?

You don't even need products that smell bad and often leave nasty marks!

White vinegar is super effective at degreasing tiles.

It is thanks to this that there are no traces or grease on your windows after cleaning.

If you don't have newspaper, you can also wipe the glass with a clean, dry microfiber cloth.

Note that this trick also works for cleaning mirrors in the house.

White vinegar and newspaper to clean windows without leaving streaks

Your turn...

Have you tried this grandma's trick for cleaning your tiles? Tell us in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

The No-Streak Home Glass Cleaner.

5 Tricks That Have Been Proven To Clean Windows.

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