4 Tips To Get In Top Shape In The Morning Without Effort.

Spring is a good time to do a spring cleaning for your home.

But not only ... It's also a good time to get back in shape!

And no need to spend a fortune in a gym where you will never set foot.

Fortunately, my sports coach advised me a few simple steps to get in shape easily in the morning.

Here are 4 natural tips to boost your fitness effortlessly.

tips for getting fit in the morning by waking up effortlessly

1. Stretching

When you wake up, your body is not ready for the stress and hectic pace of your daily life ... wake up gently, take five to ten minutes to stretch under the duvet, following the instinctive gym exercises described in one of our previous tips.

2. Seeds ...

Adopt the "seed attitude"! The germinated seeds are very good for your health and your daily vitality. Extremely rich in minerals and vitamins, just one contains up to 500 times more vitamin C than a normal seed!

Take them in the morning or sprinkle them on your salad for lunch.

And, to be even smarter, buy a germinator in an organic store and grow your seeds yourself. It's cheaper and keeps longer.

3. Massages ...

Get a personal massage! We know, to regain tone, the massage hand and foot is excellent.

Do not wait any longer, massage the center of the back of your hand by following a line from your wrist to the nail of the middle finger. In the evening, repeat this gesture, but on the palm, for more softness.

We also have a anti fatigue point just below the navel ; Gently massage this point for five minutes. It's as simple as it is effective!

4. And yoga!

While sitting on the floor with your shoulders back to the wall, slowly pivot on yourself until you find yourself lying on your back, arms slightly apart and legs glued to the wall. Close your eyes, hold this pose five to ten minutes and one reboost effect should quickly make itself felt.

To discover : 10 Incredible Health Benefits of Yoga.

Bonus tip: complete detox

In order to be really on top of this beautiful season, take a look at our detox program. We often pick up bad habits during the winter, so now is the time to change them and get good easily.

Finally, to be complete, find out which fruits and vegetables are in season to make the most of the benefits of fresh and natural products.

Your turn...

Are you convinced of the usefulness of following a pleasant and gentle program to be in great shape? Tell me what you are doing in the comments! We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

The 10 Morning Rituals That Will Change Your Life.

17 Tips To Save Time In The Morning.

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