Unclog Your Sinuses in 20 Seconds With Your Tongue and Finger.

Are you looking for a remedy to unclog your sinuses?

It is true that having blocked sinuses is not very pleasant ...

Here is an effective and natural grandmother's remedy.

The method is to use your tongue and finger to unblock your nose in 20 seconds:

How to unclog the sinuses and nose with a massage

How to do

1. Press your tongue on the palate.

2. Place a finger between your eyebrows and press hard.

3. Hold this position for 20 seconds.


There you go, your sinuses will start to unblock and your nose to run :-)

When you press your tongue against your palate, don't look for a particular spot but instead try to put your entire tongue flat against the palate.

When you go to release, you should feel a little movement in your throat.

It's a simple trick to clear your nose but it works just as well as a Neti pot.

Very practical for blowing your nose, clearing your nose and relieving the headache that you have when you are sick.

Your turn...

Have you tried this trick to unclog sinuses? Tell us in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

The Effective Trick To Relieve An Irritated Nose.

How to Unblock Your Nose Quickly and Naturally?

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