Heavy and Painful Legs? The Effective Remedy That Instantly Relieves.

Do you have heavy and sore legs?

It is true that with the heat, it does not get better!

Fortunately, my grandmother told me about her effective and quick remedy for relieving heavy legs.

The natural treatment that works is to take a cherry stalk foot bath. Look :

To relieve heavy legs, take a cherry tail bath

How to do

1. Collect a large handful of cherry stems.

2. Dry them.

3. Place the dried cherry stems in a container.

4. Boil two liters of water.

5. Pour the water over the cherry stems.

6. Leave to infuse for 15 minutes.

7. Pour the infusion into a basin.

8. Add enough cold water not to burn yourself.

9. Soak your feet in it for 20 minutes.


a foot bath with cherry stems to relieve heavy legs

And there you have it, thanks to your cherry stems foot bath, no more heavy legs :-)

You have relieved the symptoms associated with heavy legs, such as pain, tingling or even edema ...

Convenient, simple and effective, isn't it?

And no need to resort to prescriptions and drugs!

In addition, this grandmother's remedy is much more economical than all those overpriced creams that supposedly fight against heavy legs.

Not to mention that while you are doing your cherry stalk foot bath, you can enjoy eating the cherries ;-)

Know that this natural treatment works as well for women as for men who have heavy legs.

Since it has no side effects, it can be used during pregnancy.

Note: to dry the cherry stems, just lay them out on a flat surface. After 2 or 3 days, the cherry stems are dry.

Why does it work?

Cherry stems are rich in flavonoids, tannins, mucilage and potassium salts.

Thanks to these molecules, the cherry stems have antioxidant and diuretic properties.

They promote the elimination of toxins, improve blood circulation and limit water retention.

They thus reduce the feeling of having heavy legs and help to regain light legs.

Remedy in addition

Know that this grandmother's recipe also relieves the pain associated with gout attacks.

If you can't find more cherries in the markets, you can find cherry stems on the Internet.

Your turn...

Have you tried this grandmother's remedy for heavy legs? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

Heavy and Swollen Legs from Heat? Natural Remedies To Know.

The Magic Remedy To Relieve Heavy Legs.

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