Ticks: the Best Safest Way to Get Rid of Ticks.

Have you been bitten by a tick? It can happen after a walk in the forest.

To have already had it, we do not feel anything, no pain or itching. But the tick is well and truly installed.

It attaches itself to you, then pierces your skin with its head and sucks your blood.

Above all, don't panic, even if it's not really nice to have this little beast hanging on your skin!

Avoid crushing their body, pulling on them with fingernails, or using disinfectants. You will increase the risk of infection.

Use a tick hook to get rid of it safely:

Use a tick puller to get rid of a tick

How to do

1. Wash your hands.

2. Disinfect the tick hook with alcohol.

3. Place the tick hook perpendicular to the skin.

4. Gently turn it counterclockwise and lift up to remove the body and head at the same time.

5. Once the tick is removed, disinfect the wound.


A tick puller to remove a tick

And there you have it, you got rid of the tick safely :-)

If you don't have a tick hook, you can find some here.

Remember to watchfor a few days if a spot appears around the wound or if you have a headache, joint pain or fever.

If this is the case, quickly see your doctor who will give you the steps to follow.

Why do you need to remove a tick quickly

When it bites, the tick brings in germs that can cause disease, such as Lyme disease (a bacterial infection that can have serious consequences).

The longer the tick stays on the skin, the more likely it is to transmit germs if infected. Fortunately, not all ticks are infected.

If you don't remove it, it will fall off on its own after 3 to 10 days.

Your turn...

And you, have you ever been bitten by a tick? How did you get out of it? Let's talk about it in the comments. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

Finally A Natural Tick Repellent That Really Works.

The Trick To Remove A Tick From A Dog Without A Clip.

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