The Magic Product For Removing A Rust Stain From Plastic.

Rust stains have settled on your plastic garden furniture?

It's a shame because you couldn't wait to enjoy it!

Fortunately, there is a magical product to remove those rust stains from plastic.

The trick is to use sorrel salt to remove rust without damaging the plastic. Look :

clean rust on plastic with sorrel salt


- Sorrel salt (also called oxalic acid)

- A white stone

- A clean sponge

How to do

1. Sprinkle the rust stain with sorrel salt.

2. On a sponge, take a little white stone.

3. Rub the stain with it.

4. Rinse with clean water.


And There you go ! The rust stains on your plastic furniture are gone :-)

Repeat the operation as many times as necessary to remove the stubborn stain.

Warning : Remember to put on protective gloves during the operation to protect your skin as sorrel salt is corrosive.

Bonus tip

Note that you can also use machine sorrel salt to bleach your tarnished or yellowed laundry.

Your turn...

Have you tried this easy rust removal trick? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Coca-Cola: The New Remover For Removing Rust From Iron Tools.

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