85 Inspirational Quotes That Will Change Your Life.

Do you like inspirational quotes about life and change? Me too !

It is true that these little sentences are full of wisdom!

They bring us a little poetry in our daily life.

They also give us a small dose of courage to move towards our goals and achieve our dreams.

Thanks to these short quotes, we see life differently, with more philosophy.

These phrases also help us get through the tough times in life.

We have selected for you 85 quotes that will inspire you and have the power to change your life. Look :

85 inspirational quotes that will change your life


Paulo Coelho quote about happiness

"Happiness is not having everything you want, but enjoying what you have." Paulo coello


oscar wilde quote on beauty

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." Oscar wilde


saint augustine quote on happiness

"Happiness is continuing to desire what you have." Saint Augustin


quote from victor hugo on nature

"It is a sad thing to think that nature speaks and that mankind does not listen." Victor Hugo


Albert Einstein quote about nature

"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything much better." Albert Einstein


Seneca quote on learning to live

"It takes a lifetime to learn to live." Seneca


mother teresa quote about life

"Life is a challenge to be taken up, a happiness to be earned, an adventure to be attempted." Mother Teresa


gandhi quote about life and love

"Where there is love, there is life." Mahatma Gandhi


Einstein quote about the universe and human stupidity

"There are only two infinite things, the universe and human stupidity ... but for the universe, I have no absolute certainty." Albert Einstein


senec quote about life

"Life isn't about waiting for thunderstorms to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain." Seneca


quote from albert schweitzer on sharing happiness

"Happiness is the only thing that multiplies when you share it." Albert Schweitzer


quote from Albert Einstein on the worth of a man

"The value of a man lies in his capacity to give and not in his capacity to receive."


quote from Francis Bacon on the power of nature

"You can only overcome nature by obeying it." Francis bacon


victor hugo quote about harmony and life balance

"Balancing everything is good. Putting everything in harmony is better." Victor Hugo


quote from Nelson Mandela on the reasons for making a decision

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears." Nelson Mandela


freud quote on happiness

"Happiness is a child's dream come true in adulthood." Sigmund Freud


Stephen Hawking quote about the stars

"Remember to look at the stars and not at your feet." Stephen hawking


"Success is having what you want. Happiness is loving what you have." H. Jackson Brown


quote about happiness from Paul Eluard

"You don't need everything to make a world. You need happiness and nothing else. Paul Éluard


Hellen Keller quote about life as an adventure

"Life is a daring adventure or it is nothing." Helen keller


quote from Khalil Gibran on the virtues of silence

"There is a point where words wear out. And the silence begins to tell." Khalil Gibran


bergson quote about freedom

"To act freely is to take possession of yourself." Bergson


quote from Jacques Brel on success

"The quality of man is calculated by his excess. Tempt, try, even fail, it will be your success." Jacques Brel


charles de gaulles quote

"Nothing extraordinary is done without extraordinary men, and men are only extraordinary if they are determined to be." Charles de Gaulle


martin luther king quote on injustice

"An injustice done somewhere is a threat to justice all over the world." Martin Luther King


fate role Jennings Bryan quote

"Fate is not a matter of luck, but of choice." W. Jennings Bryan


quote from stephan hawking about the universe

"This universe wouldn't be much if it didn't house the people you love." Stephen hawking


proverb about the roots

"Whoever never crashes has no chance to grow." Proverb


quote from René Char on happiness and luck

"Impose your luck, squeeze your happiness and take your risk. Looking at you, they will get used to it." René Char


Galileo quote on knowledge

"You can't teach people anything. You can only help them discover that they already have everything to learn in them." Galileo


leonardo da vinci quote about nature

"Go take your lessons in Nature." Leonardo DeVinci


goethe quote on entrepreneurship

"Whatever you dream of doing, start it. Boldness has genius, power, magic." Goethe


"A mother's heart is an abyss at the bottom of which there is always forgiveness." Honoré de Balzac


quote from Epicterus on fate and choice

"We cannot choose the external circumstances, but we can always choose how we respond to them." Epictetus


"The imagination has the power to make us infinite." John muir


African proverb about happiness

"Happiness cannot be acquired. It does not reside in appearances. Each of us is building it at every moment of our life with our heart." African proverb


self-knowledge quote from didier erasme

"Those who know the art of living with themselves ignore boredom." Didier Erasmus


quote from René Char on life

"There are only two conducts with life: either we dream it or we accomplish it." René Char


self-knowledge quote from philippe de berny

"Man travels the planet, explores the oceans, climbs mountains and even goes to the moon ... And yet what he seeks is simply hidden deep within himself." Philippe de Berny


quote from Jules Verne

"Nothing great has happened that is not exaggerated hope." Jules Verne


buddha quote on self-control

"He who is master of himself is greater than he who is master of the world." Buddha


"To strip away the superfluous is to become positive and to be rich in life." Jean Gastaldi


will rogers money quote

"Too many people spend the money they earn buying things they don't want to impress people they don't like." Will rogers


happiness quote

"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you do, you will be successful." Albert Schweitzer


quote on Roosevelt's doubts and limitations

"The only limit to your future fulfillment will be our doubts today." F.D. Roosevelt


travel quote from lao tzu

"The real traveler has no set plan and has no intention of arriving." Lao Tzu


Christian Larson self-confidence quote

"Believe in yourself and in all that you are. Know that there are things inside of you that are greater than any obstacle." Christian larson


"Act like it's impossible to fail." Winston Churchill


quote from madame de genlys on sharing

"We only enjoy what we share." Madame de Genlis


"The music of the soul can be heard by the universe." Lao Tzu


Japanese proverb about success

"Success is falling seven times, getting up eight." Japanese proverb


quote about the life of Joan Baez

"You can't choose how to die or when. But you can decide how you're going to live. Now." Joan baez


Aurèle's quote on the good

"Look within yourself, this is the inexhaustible source of good." Aurele


lao tzu wealth quote

"Who knows how to be content is rich." Lao Tzu


henry ford quote on learning and youth

"The one who stops learning is old, whether he is 20 or 80 years old. The one who keeps learning stays young. The best thing in life is to keep a young mind."


helen keller quote together

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." Helen keller


Gandhi change quote

"We have to be the change we want to see in the world." Gandhi


quote about the joy of confucius

"Joy is in everything, you have to know how to extract it." Confucius


quote from Ernest Hemingway on the beauty of the world

"The world is a beautiful place worth fighting for." Ernest Hemingway


work confucius quote

"Pick a job you love and you won't have to work a day in your life." Confucius


lao tzu self-control quote

"Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is real power." Lao Tzu


Einstein quote on imagination and logic

"Logic will take you from point A to point B, imagination and daring will take you wherever you want." Albert Einstein


Gandhi life quote

"Live like you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." Gandhi


"Imagination is more important than knowledge." Albert Einstein


dalai lama quote on the meaning of life

"The question is not whether life has meaning, but how can I make sense of my own life." 14th Dalai Lama


quote from Albert Camus on generosity

"True generosity towards the future is giving your all to the present." Albert Camus


Einstein quote about a man's values

"Don't try to be a man of success, rather try to become a man of value." Albert Einstein


confucius quote about life

"We have two lives. And the second begins the day we realize we only have one." Confucius


gandhi happiness quote

"Happiness is when your actions agree with your words." Gandhi


quote from pierre curie about life and dreams

"You have to make life a dream and make a dream come true." Pierre Curie


dalai lama happiness quote

"True happiness does not depend on any being, on any external object. It depends only on us ..." Dalai Lama


Buddha quote about being present to what you do

"When you walk, eat and travel, be present. Otherwise you will miss out on most of your life." Buddha


quote from Jacques Brel on dreams

"I wish you endless dreams and the furious desire to make a few come true." Jacques Brel


kofi annan quote about sharing

"The only path that offers any hope for a better future for all mankind is that of cooperation and partnership." Kofi Annan


Tibetan saying about happiness

"Seeking happiness outside of us is like waiting for the sun in a cave facing north." Tibetan adage


Maya Angelou success quote

"Success is loving yourself, loving what you do, and loving the way you do it." Maya angelou


buddah quote on the pursuit of happiness

"Happiness is not easy. It is very difficult to find it in us. It is impossible to find it elsewhere." Buddha


Tibetan adage about solving problems

"If the problem you're having has a solution, there's no point in worrying. But if it doesn't, then worrying doesn't make a difference." Tibetan adage


quote about optimism and pessimism

"The world belongs to the optimists, the pessimists are just spectators." Francois Guizot


be on the right path

"You know you're on the right track when looking back doesn't interest you anymore." Anonymous


anonymous quote about perseverance

"The battles of life are not won by the strongest or the fastest, but by those who never give up."


quote about happiness which is a delicate balance

"Happiness is a delicate balance between what we are and what we have." Anonymous


Aristotle quote on happiness

"Being happy doesn't mean everything is perfect. It means you've decided to look past the imperfections." Aristotle


oscar wilde quote on the value and price of things

"Today people know the price of everything and the value of nothing." Oscar wilde

And if you like inspirational quotes and phrases about life, change, and happiness, I recommend this book which lists some 1000 quotes and witticisms, among the best.

And if you want to discover more quotes, we recommend that you read our Pinterest board dedicated to quotes.

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12 Things You Must Stop Running After To Be Happy.

8 Things Happy People Do Differently.

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