Baking Soda for Relaxing Feet.

Staying up too long, running, being tired, putting on heels ...

We all have a good reason for having sore feet.

However, we do not all have a simple and effective solution to relax them.

Well, yes, we have one, actually ... Baking soda!

baking soda foot bath to relax

How to do

- Prepare a basin of lukewarm water.

- Dilute 1/2 glass of baking soda.

- Immerse your feet in this basin.

- Stay there for 15 minutes.


There you go, your feet are completely relaxed :-)

This small bicarbonate treatment has the effect of relaxing calluses, relieving any itching and invigorating the feet.

You feel great relief after this little bath and the accumulated fatigue disappears.

The feet are, like the hands, areas that concentrate fatigue. It is important to relax them regularly to keep in good shape.

Bonus tip

The advantage of baking soda is that it is multi-purpose. This miracle product also has the property of neutralizing bad odors.

This small relaxing foot bath will allow you to get rid of the little unpleasant smell that you felt when taking off your shoes ...

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