How To Catch A Too Liquid Mayonnaise?

Mayonnaise ideally accompanies a number of dishes: cold roasts of course but also shrimp, crab, langoustines, lobster ...

In short, I love and love making one myself above all else. It’s so much better.

Sometimes I miss it: it doesn't set and stays liquid. No way to throw it all away: I'm using a trick that grandmother told me.

If my mayonnaise is too runny, I use white vinegar to make up for it. Eh yes ! White vinegar. Here's how to do it:

how to make up for too liquid mayonnaise

How to do

1. Take a little of the failed mayonnaise.

2. Boil a tablespoon of white vinegar.

3. Pour the white vinegar into the failed mayonnaise.

4. Start whipping the 2 together.

5. Then slowly add the rest of the failed mayonnaise.


And there you have it, you have caught up with your too liquid mayonnaise :-)

She is now very firm.

Your turn...

Did you try that grandmother's trick to make up for a failed mayonnaise? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

Homemade Mayonnaise: It's Easy and You Will Be Amazed How Better It Is!

Finally a Tip To Finish the Pot of Mayonnaise ENTIRELY.

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