3 Effective Tips For Removing Oil Stains From Clothes.

Oil stains on clothing are a disaster!

Is your garment machine-washed or, on the contrary, is it fragile, light or dark in color?

Well for all that, there are luckily some tips.

Phew, you will be able to save the beautiful blouse offered by granny.

Seize, depending on the fabric, Sommières earth, talcum powder or Marseille soap.

Light-colored fragile fabric

1. Sprinkle the spots with Sommières soil.

2. Leave on for a few hours.

3. Rub.

4. Wash your laundry by hand.

Dark colored fragile fabric

1. Sprinkle talcum powder on the stains.

2. Leave on for a few hours.

3. Rub.

4. Wash your laundry by hand.

Washable non-fragile fabric

1. Lather with Marseille soap.

2. Soak the stained fabric with it.

3. Machine wash your laundry.

And There you go ! Your oil-soaked fabrics are like new again.

Goodbye stains! The blouse offered by granny is saved :-)

Marseille soap, talcum powder and Sommières earth to remove an oil stain from a fabric

Your turn...

have you tried these grandma's tips for cleaning oil stains? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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