The POWERFUL Anti-Aphid Spray That Protects Your Plants.

Are your plants looking gray?

And are there lots of little black or green insects on it?

Look no further, they are surely aphids!

They suck the sap from the plants which eventually die if you do not act quickly ...

Fortunately, here is the powerful anti-aphid spray recipe that protects your plants naturally.

All you need to get rid of aphids is black soap and water. Look :

The POWERFUL Anti-Aphid Spray That Protects Your Plants Naturally.

What you need

- 3 tablespoons of liquid black soap

- 1 liter of hot water

- spray

- funnel

- saucepan

How to do

1. Heat the water in the saucepan.

2. Add the liquid black soap.

3. Mix well with a spoon.

4. Let cool.

5. Pour into the spray with the funnel.

6. Spray on plants attacked by aphids.


Aphids that eat a plant on the left and anti-aphid spray on the right

And There you go ! Thanks to this powerful treatment with black soap, you have eliminated aphids on your plants :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, isn't it?

Not only have you killed the aphids, but this treatment also protects your plants from a future invasion!

And I'm not even talking about the savings you will make, because you no longer need to buy the overpriced products sold in garden centers!

Additional advice

- Do not forget to spray the underside of the leaves and the soil around the plant, where the larvae fall.

- Repeat the treatment every day during the invasion.

- If you are using solid black soap paste, use only 1 and a half tablespoons instead of 3.

- Use this repellent preferably in the morning or evening, out of direct sunlight and rain.

Why does it work?

Black soap has the power to kill aphids without any chemicals for your plants.

This anti-aphid is super effective against aphids on roses, tomatoes and other plants in the garden!

You can use it on trees, shrubs and flowers without any worries.

In addition, this 100% natural insecticide also works against mealybugs, thrips, red spiders ...

Your turn...

Have you tried this grandmother's recipe to put an end to aphids? Tell us in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

Finally A Natural and Effective Anti-Aphid.

4 Homemade Anti-Aphid Sprays (Effective And 100% Natural).

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