How to Make Pizza Dough EASILY with a Food Processor.

I don't know about you but me, I'm a die-hard pizza fan!

And there are no secrets. To treat the whole family with delicious pizzas, you have to make your Pizza dough house-made.

The only problem is that kneading the dough by hand is long and tiring ...

Fortunately, there is a trick! Did you know that you can also use your food processor to prepare the homemade pizza dough very easily ?

Just put the ingredients in the bowl of your food processor, then let the machine do its job. Look :

This is what good homemade pizza dough, prepared in a food processor, looks like.

Ingredients for 2 pizza doughs

- 1 tablespoon of yeast, like this instant baker's yeast

- 1 teaspoon of powdered sugar

- 235 ml of hot water between 40 and 45 ° C

- 360 g of flour (preferably organic)

- 1 teaspoon of salt

- 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil

How to do

1. First, pour hot water into a container. Then add the yeast and sugar.

2. Leave on for about 5 minutes, until the yeast forms a nice layer of frothy foam.

3. Attach the dough blade to your food processor.

4. Pour the flour and salt into the bowl of the appliance.

5. Switch on the machine for 3 s. to mix the flour and salt well.

6. While the machine is running (at low speed or, depending on the design of your appliance, on kneading mode), pour the water / yeast / sugar mixture into the flour / salt mixture.

Note: Do not pour in the yeast all at once. Pour it slowly and in several batches, taking care to wait until each addition of yeast is well incorporated before continuing.

7. Continue to rotate the appliance for about 1 min, until a nice pizza dough forms, as below.

Stop the robot once your dough is well formed.

8. Once the sides of the container become clean, let your food processor run for another 1 min.

9.Now take a large container and cover its walls with olive oil.

10. Put the pizza dough in this container and cover it with a kitchen towel.

11. Let sit in a warm place (or near a heat source) for about 1 hour 30 minutes.

12. Once your dough has swelled well, divide it into 2 balls.

13. All you have to do is roll it out with a rolling pin.


With homemade pizza dough, your pizzas will be even more delicious than before!

And there you have it, you made a delicious homemade pizza dough :-)

Looking for an easy and delicious pizza recipe?

I recommend our recipe for homemade margherita pizza for less than € 1 per person!

I feel like you are going to delight the whole family with this delicious homemade pizza :-) Yum!

Conservation tips

You can keep the pizza dough in the fridge for 24 hours. It will also continue to swell.

Otherwise, you can also keep it in the freezer. Just roll it into a ball and wrap it with stretch paper.

Note: To make this recipe a success, you need a food processor. To buy it now, we recommend this food processor.

Your turn...

And you, have you ever tried this recipe? Or maybe you know of another easy method of homemade pizza dough? Please leave a comment below and share what you think with our community :-)

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Also to discover:

How To Roll Out Pizza Dough Without a Rolling Pin.

"Definitely the Best Bread Dough Recipe."

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