How To Remove Rust From Bicycle Rims With White Vinegar.

Do the rims on your bike have rust spots?

It is true that over time traces of rust appear on the chrome.

Fortunately, there is a super effective trick to restoring your rusty chrome rims.

The trick isuse white vinegar to easily remove rust spots. Look, it's very simple:

the trick to removing rust from bicycle rims with vinegar

What you need

- sponge

- Dishwashing liquid

- fine wire brush

- abrasive sponge or fine sanding sponge

- White vinegar

- polishing paste

- soft cloth

- mask

- Protective glasses

- basin

How to do

dirty and rusty bicycle rim

1. Remove dust from the rim by rubbing with a rag.

2. Wet a sponge.

3. Pour dishwashing liquid on it.

4. Wash the rim with the sponge to remove all traces of grease.

5. Take a wire brush.

6. Put on your mask and goggles.

7. Scrub with the brush to remove traces of rust.

8. Soak your sponge in white vinegar.

9. Wipe it over all parts of the rim where there is rust and scratches.

10. Put some polishing paste on a cloth.

11. Polish the rim with your cloth to polish it and make it shine.


rust-free bicycle rim after cleaning

And there you have it, all traces of rust have now disappeared from the rims of the bike :-)

The chrome of your bicycle rims shines again: your bicycle wheels are like new!

Now you know how to remove rust from your bike. Not that complicated, is it?

When rubbing with the brush, be careful not to damage the spokes of the wheel and avoid brushing the paint.

Thanks to this technique for derusting a bike, your rims and your bike are well protected and do not risk being damaged due to rain or humidity.

This method of removing rust works on all metal parts of bikes like handlebars and handlebars, pedals, frame or chain of the bike ...

Your turn...

Have you tried this pro tip for removing rust from your bike? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

The Fastest Tip to Remove Rust from Chrome.

3 Super Effective Tips To Remove Rust Easily.

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