The Cook's Tip To Make Chickpeas Much DIGEST.

I don't know about you, but I love chickpeas!

The only concern is that they are very difficult to digest ...

However, they are excellent for the health, and I do not want to do without them.

Luckily, a cook friend told me his tip for making chickpeas much more digestible.

Simply soak them in bicarbonate water overnight. Look :

The Chef's Tip To Make Chickpeas Much DIGEST.

What you need

- 1 teaspoon of baking soda

- bowl

- water

How to do

1. Fill a bowl with water.

2. Add the baking soda.

3. Stir with a spoon to dilute it well.

4. Pour the dried chickpeas into the bowl.

5. Let them soak overnight.

6. The next day, drain the chickpeas.

7. Cook them as usual.


chickpeas that soak in water

And There you go ! Your chickpeas are now easy to digest :-)

Easy, efficient and economical, isn't it?

No more digestion problems and farts after eating them!

For better results, soak your pulses in 2 different water baths, and cook them in 2 batches, changing the cooking water.

This trick also works for lentils, split peas, soybeans, broad beans or dried beans.

Lentils are the most digestible legumes because they contain less cellulose.

But do not hesitate to soak them a little before cooking so that they pass like a letter to the Post Office!

Did you know ?

Legumes are excellent for health because they are rich in iron, calcium and magnesium but also in vitamins.

As they are low in fat, they are low in calories and ideal during a diet.

And of course, a major plus, they are very inexpensive!

We can therefore consume it regularly without breaking the bank and doing good. What a benefit!

Why does it work?

These legumes have a very thick skin that contains phytic acid.

However, our body does not digest it very well ...

Soaking them softens that tough skin.

As for bicarbonate, it allows it to dissolve phytic acid and make it inactive.

Your turn...

Have you tried this trick to make legumes digestible? Tell us in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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