Le Marc de Café, an Effective and Free Anti-Cellulite.

A secret tip for anyone who wants to get rid of their cellulite effectively is to use coffee grounds.

Almost all cellulite creams use caffeine as the primary agent.

The trick is to make your cellulite cream yourself with coffee grounds.

Not only does it work, it's free! Preparation and use are very easy. Look :

Want a cure for cellulite? Try the coffee grounds: it is very effective against cellulite on the buttocks and thighs.

How to do

1. Mix a little olive oil with coffee grounds in a bowl.

2. Apply your magic potion directly to your legs and buttocks evenly.

3. Leave to act for 20 min.

4. Feel free to wrap your thighs with cellophane paper to get the caffeine in.


And there you have your homemade anti-cellulite, effective and 100% free :-)

To renew

It is advisable to repeat the operation twice a week for a minimum of 1 month to drastically reduce cellulite.

And to save time and avoid cleaning, consider putting newspaper on the floor when applying your homemade cellulite cream.

Savings made

Coffee grounds are free and will save you a lot of money while benefiting from better efficiency against cellulite.

For example, an anti-cellulite product costs 11.37 €. If you use 3 of them during the year, here are already 34, 11 € of won!

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9 Legendary Uses of Coffee Grind for Flirtatious Girls.

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