Here's THE RIGHT WAY to Plant Tomatoes (And Have Plants 2 Meters Tall).

There is really nothing quite like eating a beautiful, ripe tomato that comes from your own garden.

The flavor of these tomatoes is simply incomparable with those bought in the store. The taste is much more pronounced and sweet.

In addition, growing your own tomatoes is easy and accessible to everyone !

Considering the prices of tomatoes, especially organic, this is also a great way to save money on the "food" budget.

Not to mention the fact that it is good without pesticides and healthier for your health!

If you are new to growing tomato plants, there are a few rules to follow to achieve impressive results.

Here are 7 tips to plant your tomato plants and have tomatoes that are more than 2 meters high. Look :

Here is the right way to plant tomatoes and have lots of beautiful tomatoes.

1. Plant them deep

bury the tomato stalk up to the first leaves

Put the plant in the ground 2/3 of the plant. It might sound weird, but tomatoes are a bit different from other plants. When the plant is well buried in the earth, the roots develop better, especially on the stem. As the tomato plant will be better established, it will be much stronger and more able to produce robust fruits. Also remember to space two plants sufficiently between them.

2. Plant them on the side

plant tilted tomatoes

If you can't dig deep because the soil is too hard, (or if you don't want to), plant the tomato on the side. Tilt it slightly to form an angle of about 45 °. Just make sure the foot is buried 15cm deep. It will thus make new roots on this buried part.

3. Place them in the sun

plant tomatoes in full sun

Tomatoes love (love!) Light, especially direct sun at the best times of the day. It is therefore essential to plant them in a sunny place so that they can soak up the sun during their development.

4. Apply natural fertilizer

put natural fertilizer for tomatoes

Tomatoes thrive much better if the soil is rich in nutrients. This means that it should be fertilized regularly, at least once a week before fruiting. And of course, it's much better with natural fertilizers! Are you wondering what natural fertilizers you can use? Check out the list here.

5. Put a guardian to hold them

put a stake to support the tomato stalks

Once the tomato plant is large enough, put a stake or support to support the tomato plant. Indeed, the tomatoes are heavy and will weigh on the stem. A little extra help with standing is important so that the tomatoes don't fall out and stay well in the sun.

6. Protect them from slugs

protect young tomato shoots with eggshells

To protect young plants from slugs, it is recommended to crush eggshells or spread coffee grounds on the ground. In addition, it makes the soil richer in nutrients. For an extra boost, you can also put a mixed raw egg in the bottom of the hole before burying the tomato root.

7. Remember to maintain them regularly

removing leaves from diseased tomatoes

Remember to keep a close watch on your tomato plants. How? 'Or' What ? It's easy: remove rotting fruit and leaves. Also remove any leaves lying around on the floor. Also make sure that the heads of your plants are not too heavy. Be aware that some people cut the sweet tooth, others don't. It's up to you to see what works for you!


Tomatoes are very easy to grow in pots or directly in the ground.

The advantage is that they do not require a lot of attention or maintenance.

With these gardening tips, you are going to have a harvest of tomatoes that will surprise you.

Your turn...

Have you tried this tip for properly planting your tomatoes? Tell us in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

13 Tips For Growing More, Bigger, and Tastier Tomatoes.

The World's Easiest Way To Grow Tomatoes.

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