How to Survive a Whole Month Without ANY Expense.

Need to save money fast?

Or to reduce your expenses for 1 month?

So here is a method that should help you achieve this.

This technique is called "the month without any expenditure".

Don't worry, it's a lot easier than it looks. Look :

Tips for surviving a month without spending

What is the "Month Without Any Expenses"?

The principle of Months Without Any Expenses is very simple.

It is simply a period when you will only spend money on what is really essential. The goal is to avoid all other types of expenses at all costs.

So how not to spend unnecessarily? What is an essential expense? Good question. It is for example that made to repay a loan, to buy gasoline and basic food (such as basic necessities, bread, milk).

Basically, the goal of Months Without Any Expenses is to avoid secondary expenses, such as going to restaurants, shopping for clothes, shopping for pleasure, etc.

Set the rules for this challenge

30 days without any expenditure calendar September

Each family can have a very different idea of ​​what constitutes essential expenses. Likewise, each household has very different means.

So, it's up to you to define what is essential and what is not. But don't be too wide or it won't work! It is therefore important to find the right balance.

Are you used to storing food in your cupboards? Therefore the Months Without Any Expenses now is the right time to tap into the reserves!

You avoid spending money on food (except on fresh produce and bread).

Plus, it's a great way to clear out the pantry and freezer while keeping your expenses down. No waste and no loss!

Also remember that some expired products can still be consumed after the expiration date. Discover our article on the subject here.

If you don't have food stocks at home (well done!), Make it a rule of the game that you are allowed to go to the supermarket to buy basic items like rice, pasta, etc.

In conclusion, the only rules for this challenge are those that you and your family will accept and that will work for all of you.

Set a specific goal

have a goal to save money

Yes you have a concrete goal for which you want to save for 1 whole month, it will be much easier to complete this challenge right away.

Here are examples of goals you might have to motivate yourself: save to pay for a vacation, save to pay off a loan faster, save to do house work.

Make sure everyone in your household knows the reason for this challenge. It will also help you be successful.

To stay motivated throughout the month, remember to regularly remind yourself why you are taking on this challenge.

Feel free to print your goal on a piece of paper to hang on the bedroom door.

Also remember to set a specific amount that you want to save during this Months Without Any Expenses.

Have a plan of attack

how to succeed challenge without spending for a month

The important thing in this challenge is to know each other well. Know up front which expense you'll have the most difficulty cutting during the month, and be prepared.

For example, if you have coffee every morning at a bar, set up a coffee maker in your home instead and make your own tight little coffee.

If the challenge includes not spending on food for an entire month, set up a meal plan.

You need to know exactly what you are going to eat day in and day out. This helps avoid the temptation to run to the supermarket or order pizza when it's late and there's nothing ready for dinner.

This will also give you the opportunity to organize your fridge, pantry and freezer. You will know exactly what is available to make your menus and for how long.

The main idea is to stay away from stores. Why ? Because it's much easier to save money when you're not in a tempting place. So avoid malls like the plague!

If you need to go to the grocery store, make sure you have a shopping list (and stick to it).

Know in advance what you're going to do with those savings

Set your goal in advance to save money

Once you have successfully completed the Months Without Any Expenses, we can hope that you will have changed your consumption habits to live without buying anything.

You might want to take on the 52-week savings challenge!

And who knows, maybe it will make you want to keep lowering your daily expenses? Because you will see that the feeling of freedom is very pleasant, once the challenge is successful!

In any case, this is definitely not the time to start spending everything you have so hard saved!

It would still be a shame after so much effort, wouldn't it? You risk ruining all your savings for nothing.

So the best is to decide in advance what you are going to do with this fund and especially to keep this commitment once you have finished this month without spending.

To conclude, know that, for me, this Months Without Any Expenses taught me to manage my purchases better and to live without spending.

Now I have made a habit of waiting at least 2 days before buying something I want.

And often after 2 days, I realize that I no longer necessarily want or need it. And hop, savings in the pocket :-)

Your turn...

You tried to meet this challenge of Months Without Any Expenses ? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

Do you like this trick ? Share it with your friends on Facebook.

Also to discover:

Take the Challenge For 2017: 52 Weeks Savings.

How to Spend a Weekend WITHOUT Spending 1 Euro.

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