An Efficient Way to Know Your Calorie Expenditure.

Looking for an easy way to keep a close eye on your calories?

Whatever physical activity is practiced, the calorie expenditure of an individual depends only on one thing: his heart rate.

Fortunately, there is an efficient way to calculate your calorie expenditure:

an efficient way to calculate your calorie expenditure

1. Calculating your maximum heart rate (HRmax)

HRmax is the maximum heart rate that we can achieve during very intense exercise. The older we are, the less our heart rises in the towers.

HRmax = 220 - age

I'm 27 years old. In my case, it is 220 - 27 = 193 beats per minute.

2. Calculation of the intensity of my effort

Exercise intensity is the ratio of my exercise heart rate (HR) to my maximum heart rate (HRmax). She's the one who can tell me how many calories I'm spending. She wants :

Intensity = HR / HRmax

I just did a series of burpees, and my heart is beating at 168 beats per minute. The intensity is therefore 168/193 = 0,87 (Where 87%).

3. Calculation of energy expenditure

Now that the intensity is known, we deduce the number of kilocalories (kcal) that we burn over an hour. Here is the formula to calculate the energy expenditure:

Expense = (Intensity - 0.25)x 1,700

In my case, I find (0.87 - 0.25) x 1700 = 1052 kcal / h.

4. Weight adjustment

The expense that we have just calculated is valid for an individual of average weight, that is to say 70 kg.

However, the heavier we are, the more calories we consume.

So, if you weigh 140 kg, you will consume twice as much. On the other hand, someone weighing 35 kg will have half the expense.

To take weight into account, make the following adjustment:

Corrected expenditure = Expense x Weight / 70

With my size, I reach 85 kg. I am lucky, because my heart expenditure increases accordingly: 1052 x (85/70) = 1,281 kcal.

5. Other method

The 4 previous calculations are summarized in the following formula

Corrected expenditure = 24 x Weight x [HR / (220 - age) - 0.25]

Which gives me: 24 x 85 x {[168 / (220 - 27)] - 0.25} = 1,266 kcal. Or the same thing, except for a small rounding in the values.


There you go, now you know how to calculate your energy expenditure :-)

It will help you monitor your daily calorie intake when trying to lose weight.

And by eating these 20 zero-calorie foods, you'll be shedding extra pounds in no time! :-)

Your turn...

And you, did you already know this method? Or maybe you know of another method to calculate its energy expenditure?

Please leave a comment below and share what you think with our community :-)

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Also to discover:

Burpees: The Best Exercise To Eat Calories.

My 5 Best Exercises to Burn Calories Quickly Before the Holidays.

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