Do you have dirty black nails? Here is the Easy Way to Clean Them.

Sometimes the underside of the nails is a little black. It is because they are dirty.

What to do to easily clean dirty nails?

It is true that it is not pretty and it can be full of bacteria.

Here is an effective grandmother's trick, based on hydrogen peroxide:

black nails hydrogen peroxide

How to do

1. Brush your nails with a soft brush and soap.

2. Soak cotton swabs with hydrogen peroxide.

3. Pass the Cotton Swabs under each of your nails.


And there you have it, you've cleaned your black nails of dirt :-)

Easy, practical and efficient! In less than a minute, your nails are perfectly clean.

No more dirt and it cost you next to nothing. When is better like this, isn't it?

Your turn...

Have you tried this trick for cleaning your nails? Let us know in the comments if it works for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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