How To Clean Your iPhone Earphones In 2 Min Chrono.

Headphones are real germ nests.

We store them at the bottom of a bag or in our pockets ...

And then, we slip them in the ears ...

The headphones are never cleaned and, over time, they accumulate dust, earwax and dirt ...

So how do you clean dirty headphones quickly? Goodbye, horrifying earwax!

here is the quick and easy way to clean and maintain your iPhone or Android headphones. Look :

What you need

- iPhone headphones

- old toothbrush (very dry)

- 70 ° alcohol

- Q-tip

- paper towels

How to do

1. Scrub the wire mesh gently with the toothbrush to remove dirt.

Note: orient the metal grid of your iPhone headphones down, so that the impurities do not fall inside the headphones.

Scrub the wire grill with an old toothbrush to clean dirty headphones quickly.

2. To disinfect, use a cotton swab soaked in 70 ° alcohol and rub the gridand the rest of the headphones.

Use a cotton swab moistened with 70 ° alcohol to clean dirty headphones quickly.

3. Finally, use a paper towel soaked in 70 ° alcohol to wipe and clean the headphone cords.

Use a paper towel soaked in 70 ° alcohol to clean dirty headphones quickly.

Do your headphones have silicone protection?

Some in-ear headphones have silicone tips, like these. These tips are removable and should be cleaned with water. Here's how to do it:

1. Remove the tips from your headphones.

Remove the silicone tips to clean dirty headphones quickly.

2. Soak them in hot, soapy water for 20 minutes.

Let the silicone tips soak in hot, soapy water to clean dirty headphones quickly.

3. Rinse with clean water and let dry.

4. Put the clean tips back on the headphones.

Here's how to clean dirty headphones quickly, even those with silicone tips.


Are your iPhone headphones dirty? Here is the easy method to clean them quickly.

There you go, now you know how to clean dirty headphones from your phone :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, isn't it?

Know that experts advise to clean your iPhone headphones once a month.

In addition, this technique also works to clean Airpods, Apple's wireless headphones.

Your turn...

Have you tried this trick for cleaning dirty headphones? Tell us in the comments if it was effective. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

17 Tips For iPhone Headphones You Can't Live Without.

How To Store Your Telephone Earphones To Avoid Damaging Them?

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