Here is the Cooking Time for a Hard-Boiled, Boiled, Calf and Poached Egg.

I do not know about you ... but I am often wrong in the cooking time of the eggs.

Between the cooking time of a hard-boiled, soft-boiled and poached egg, it is not easy to navigate.

Fortunately, here is a small photo guide to never go wrong again.

You just have to follow the indicated cooking time:

Cooking hard-boiled, calf, shell and poached eggs

How to do

- Boil water in a saucepan with a pinch of salt.

- For a hard-boiled egg, cooking is 8 min.

- For a soft-boiled egg, it's 6 min.

- For a poached egg, it's 4 min in vinegar water and without its shell.

- For a boiled egg, it's 3 min.


There you go, you know how to cook an egg perfectly :-)

Remember to start your timer when you start cooking your eggs.

And to help you out, you can also get an egg cooker, like this one.

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Also to discover:

The Surprising Tip To Reduce the Cooking Time of Your Pasta.

The Trick to Recognize a Fresh Egg from an Expired Egg Every Time.

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