How To Easily Clean Your Dishwasher With Vinegar.

Does your dishwasher need a deep descaling?

Note that a scalded dishwasher washes less well.

And if you don't wash it at least once a month, bad smells appear quickly.

Here is the trick to cleaning it easily and WITHOUT effort.

All you need is white vinegar:

To thoroughly clean your dishwasher, pour 2 cups of white vinegar into the bottom of the dishwasher.

How to do

1. Pour 2 large cups (approximately 250 ml) of white vinegar directly into the bottom of the dishwasher.

2. Run the dishwasher empty using the hottest cycle.


There you go, your dishwasher is all clean :-)

Thanks to the anti-tartar properties of white vinegar, the dishwasher is free of tartar.

With this easy tip, you'll never have to buy one of those commercial scale removers stuffed with questionable chemicals like Finish again.

Remember to do this cleaning once a month, if you want to keep the machine and the dishes spotless.

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