How To Repel Rats Naturally? The 2 Tips to Know.

In Paris alone, there are already 3 rats per inhabitant.

Although we do not see them much, these pests are therefore present.

And this is true in all major cities.

And no matter how you meet them, it's often not fun. It is therefore understandable that some people want to scare them away.

two natural tips to hunt rats

But rat control is very expensive, and the products do not talk about it, so here is how to do it naturally.

1. Mint

Mint can scare away rats

Like all rodents, rats do not like the smell of mint. And most rodents rely on their sense of smell to move on.

So try to place a few crushed mint leaves along your walls, or in strategic places! That should put off more than one.

Why crushed? The leaves will give off more odor as well.

2. Angelica

angelica can scare away rats

Second smell that rats don't like. Angelica has a even more powerful repellency than that of mint.

It is therefore a plant to know when you want to repel them!

I would tell you to buy some and plant it all over your house, but not everyone is lucky enough to have a garden!

To have the same effectiveness, place Sprigs of Angelica all over the house (not just in strategic places), so that the smell is so strong that they don't want to come back.

Savings made

In addition to being overcrowded and invading sewers, rats can carry diseases, which makes them potentially dangerous for humans.

Keeping them away or killing them is therefore necessary to protect oneself.

But whether it's repellents, traps, ultrasound, or rat control, it all comes at a price.

Just an ultrasound device (supposed to be the best technique to repel them without killing them) costs between 20 and 70 € depending on the model. And a rat control can cost up to € 200!

So maybe this tip will make you save several hundred euros.

Corn Warning, rats are intelligent animals with a very high adaptability. So these repellents won't always work equally, depending on whether rats are used to them or not.

Your turn...

Do you know any other tips for keeping rats away? You will help a lot of people by sharing them in the comments. We can't wait to read you!

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