20 Creative Ways To Recycle Old Windows.
When you change the windows in your house, you don't really know what to do with the old windows.
Instead of throwing them away why not throw them away give a second life?
Yep, an old window can be used for a lot of other things.
You just need to know the good ideas to reuse them.
If you don't have one on hand, you can even try to collect old windows, for example at the recycling center.
here is 20 creative ways to recycle old windows instead of throwing them away:
1. At the head of the bed
2. As a coffee table
3. In photo frame
4. In a garden greenhouse
5. In a small winter garden
6. In white painted garden shed
7. In a garden shed painted green
8. On a blackboard to write on it
9. In jewelry display
10. In a coat rack
11. In shower door
12. On the shelf
14. In a mini greenhouse for the winter
15. In vintage napkin holder
16. As a Christmas decoration
17. In kitchen furniture
18. Screen
19. In original photo holder
20. Vintage mirror for the bedroom
Your turn...
Do you know any other tips for reusing old wooden windows? Share them in the comments with our community. We can't wait to hear from you!
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