Sharpening a Knife with Another Knife: a Handy Tip.

Want to sharpen your old kitchen knife?

But you have nothing on hand to remedy this problem: no sharpening stone, no rifle intended for this use ...

Fortunately, my father used a very simple trick to sharpen a knife.

With this trick, no need for specific equipment: another knife will do! Look :

tip for sharpening the blade of a knife with another knife

How to do

1. Take a 2nd knife.

2. Use this second knife as a whetstone, rubbing the blade of the first on the blade of the second, at an angle of about 30 °.

3. Use the blade to move back and forth alternating each side of the latter: a small metallic whistle helps you to perceive if your movement is correct.

4. Test your blade on a piece of paper to see if the sharpening is sufficient.


There you go, you can get back to carving your vegetables and meats, your knife is operational again.

Note: it is better to find another knife whose blade is the same size (approximately) as the first.

Your turn...

But if you have other tips for sharpening a knife very simply, please explain all of this to us in a comment. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

Grandma's Trick To Easily Sharpen Scissors.

"Definitely THE Best Technique To Sharpen Your Knives."

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