How to Hang a Sweater from a Hanger WITHOUT Damaging it.

Hanging your sweater on a hanger is a risk!

Why ? Because it is the best way to deform it at the level of the shoulders ...

... and stretch the wool. Result, it does not look like anything!

Luckily, there's an easy trick to hanging a sweater on a hanger without damaging it.

Don't worry, you'll see, it's simple. Look :

how to hang a woolen sweater without damaging it

How to do

1. Lay the sweater flat on your bed.

how to hang sweater on hanger without distorting

2. Fold the sweater in half vertically so that the 2 sleeves are stacked on top of each other.

hang sweater on hanger folded in half

3. Place your hanger as in the photo. The hook of the hanger must be between the sleeves of the sweater and the bust.

hang sweater on hanger method

4. Fold the bust of the sweater onto the hanger and pass it through the center of the hanger.

hang sweater on hanger pass the sleeves

5. Do the same with the sleeves.

pull on hanger without deforming folding tip

How to do it on video


And there you have it, you have hung your sweater on the hanger without any risk of it getting damaged :-)

With this trick, no more creases and distorted sweaters!

Now you can safely store your sweaters in the closet without worrying about damaging them!

This trick also works with any type of tops with sleeves. Example: t-shirt, blouse, cardigan ...

In addition, this way of hanging sweaters is much more practical to see the different tops in your closet without having to take them out.

Your turn...

Do you know any other tips for hanging your sweaters? Share them with us in the comments. We can't wait to hear from you.

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Also to discover:

How to remove pills from a wool sweater? The Incredible Stuff!

The Tip To Hang More Hangers In Your Cupboards and Save Space.

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