The Easy Recipe for Chicken Curry in Coconut Milk.

Fans of exotic cuisine love chicken curry with coconut milk.

And don't think this recipe is infeasible!

Not at all, it is even very easy to do.

It is also very economical and can please your guests for a very nice evening.

chicken curry

Ingredients for 6 people

- 1 chicken

- 5 potatoes

- 100 g of snow peas

- 40 g of butter

- 2 cloves garlic

- 2 onions

- 1 large red pepper

- 50 g of ginger

- 1 stalk of celery

- 50 cl of coconut milk

- 1 tablespoon of curry

- Salt, chives

How to do

1. Cut the chicken into pieces.

2. Chop the garlic and one of the 2 onions.

3. Peel and grate the ginger, cut it into small pieces and add them.

4. Chop and seed the pepper.

5. Chop the celery.

6. Peel the potatoes and cut them into pieces.

7. Rinse the snow peas.

8. Slice the remaining onion and brown it in the butter in the pan.

9. Pour in all that you have chopped and brown for 2 minutes.

10. Add the curry.

11. Add the chicken pieces, mix well.

12. Brown them for 5 minutes.

13. Add the potatoes and chili.

14. Then sprinkle with the coconut milk and bring to the boil.

15. Add salt and simmer, covered, over low heat for 45 minutes.

16. Add the snow peas and celery.

17. Mix again and cook for another 5 minutes.

18. Add the chopped chives at the last moment.

19. Serve hot.


And there you have it, you have prepared a delicious chicken curry and coconut milk :-)

Enjoy your lunch !

Your turn...

Have you tried this coconut chicken curry recipe? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

Exotic Cuisine: My Crispy Thai Chicken Thighs.

Easy Recipe: How To Accommodate Leftover Chicken.

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