Tired of Flies During Meals? Here Is The Tip To Get Rid Of It.

Eat on the terrace in summer, I love it!

Except when all the flies meet on the dining table ...

Some draw the good old fly swatter ...

... but admit that it is not a very enticing spectacle.

Fortunately, there is an effective trick to preventing the invasion of flies without using chemicals.

The natural trick is to put a bunch of fresh tomato leaves on the table. Look :

how to keep flies away when eating out

How to do

1. Pick fresh tomato leaves.

2. Arrange them in a bouquet on the table.


And There you go ! The flies now let you eat in peace :-)

No more fighting with all the flies during the meal!

It's still nicer like that, isn't it?

Why does it work?

Be aware that flies hate the smell of tomato leaves.

It is therefore a super effective natural repellant that is still unknown.

If your meal lasts several hours, consider changing the tomato leaves to keep it effective.

This trick also works to prevent flies from entering the house. To do this, place fresh tomato leaves near the windows.

If you don't have fresh tomato leaves on hand, you can also use lavender oil.

Your turn...

Have you tried this trick to keep flies away while you eat outside? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

What to do against flies? Here Is A Very Effective Homemade Repellent.

13 Natural Tips To Kill Flies Permanently.

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