The Tip To Easily Clean Your Hands After Mechanics.

Are you used to mechanical work?

So you know very dirty hands, full of grease.

But it can also happen to anyone, if you have to change a car wheel for example.

The trick to removing sludge from your hands is to use white vinegar and flour:

How to clean very dirty hands after mechanics with white vinegar

How to do

1. Take white vinegar and flour.

2. Mix the two to form a paste.

3. Rub your hands vigorously with this paste to clean your hands.


There you go, the sludge is gone and your hands are all clean :-)

It is as effective as professional abrasive products and in addition it does not damage your hands because it is natural.

And it is much more economical!

Your turn...

Did you try that grandma's trick to get grease off your hands? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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