IPhone application - Read Liberation for free.

Many applicationsiPhone allow substantial savings to be made and that of Release is part of it because it allows you to read the newspaper free.

Quietly read the newspaper Release on his iPhone, it is possible and in addition it is free! Download the Liberation newspaper application for free on your iPhone.

Access is free for all articles from the web editorial staff, slide shows, Libé radio, the mobile reporter, audio and video reports or even the "Who Said" which allows you to review the news in a fun way.

Even more news on your iPhone? Read Le Monde on your iPhone!

Savings Realized

The application of Release is completely free which allows to save a lot of money on the purchase of the newspaper each day. This app offers a lot of free content.

You will get what you pay for! I mean for your free!

With application of newspaperRelease, you save the subscription of 286 euros per year!

A good tip for the stingy shrewd who wants to follow the news for free while keeping high quality content.

Note that you can also buy the paper version on your iPhone for only 0.79 euros instead of 1.30 for the paper version.

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