No Heating in the Toilets to Consume Less Heating.

A tip to avoid exploding your consumption of heating in winter is heat cleverly his house.

This implies not heat permanently rooms where you only spend a few minutes a day, such as the toilets.

Of course, this heating trick is also valid for the hallways and the bathroom.

For the rest of the rooms, the important thing is to heat up to the right temperatures.

Savings made

The important thing to remember for this tip is not to heat toilets or other rooms, only when you need them.

Why? Because the heating represents about 40% of your home's energy consumption!

Basically it's expensive and so it's worth using our tips and tricks to save on bills.

If you are cold in the toilet, it is best to use a fan heater as in the bathroom.

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What is the ideal temperature at home?

3 Unstoppable Tips to Turn on the Heating Less in Winter.

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