11 Benefits of Lemon Water You Didn't Know About.

Lemon contains a lot of nutrients that are essential for your health. Its virtues are countless.

This includes vitamin C, the vitamin B complex, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, and fiber.

But because of its acidity which can damage your tooth enamel, it is important to dilute it with water (hot or lukewarm if possible).

Drink lemon water as soon as you wake up and wait 15 to 30 minutes before having your breakfast.

This is the best way to fully enjoy the 11 benefits of lemon listed below:

The 11 benefits of lemon water

Benefits of lemon juice in the morning

1. Boost your immune system

Vitamin C is like the jumper cables of our immune system and the lemon is full of it.

The level of vitamin C in your system is one of the first things to drop when you are stressed.

For this reason, specialists recommend taking extra vitamin C on particularly stressful days. A good squeezed lemon juice and you fill up with vitamin C!

2. An excellent source of potassium

As mentioned above, lemons are high in potassium, which is good for your heart, as well as for the functioning of your brain and nerves.

Be aware that lemon contains more potassium than apples or grapes.

3. Aid in digestion

Lemon juice helps digestion by making it easier to remove toxins from the digestive tract, but that's not all.

It also helps reduce digestion problems, such as heartburn, burping and bloating.

4. Cleanses your body from the inside out

Lemon juice helps flush toxins from your body by boosting the activity of enzymes, which in turn stimulates your liver.

5. Refreshes your breath

It also helps relieve toothache, gingivitis and freshens your breath.

Note that it is best to brush your teeth before drinking lemon water.

Or wait 30 minutes before brushing them after drinking them.

Why ? Because citric acid under the effect of the toothbrush can erode tooth enamel.

6. Reduces skin imperfections

The antioxidants in lemon juice not only help decrease skin blemishes but also wrinkles!

Besides, lemon juice can be applied on scars and age spots to make them less visible.

And since it detoxifies your blood, it keeps your skin glowing.

7. Helps you lose weight

Lemon contains pectin fiber which helps you fight cravings.

A good tip for easy weight loss.

8. Reduces inflammation

Too much acidity in the body promotes the onset of diseases. However, if you drink lemon water regularly, this acidity decreases.

This is because lemon water reduces uric acid in your joints, which is one of the main causes of inflammation.

9. Boost your energy

Lemon juice provides your body with energy when it enters your digestive tract.

It also helps reduce anxiety and depression. Even the smell of lemon has a calming effect on the nervous system!

10. Helps stop caffeine

It seems hard to believe it, but it works.

Replacing a cup of coffee with a glass of hot lemon water works wonders.

You feel refreshed and can say goodbye to the afternoon slack.

It is also your nerves that say thank you!

11. Helps fight viral infections

Hot lemon water is the best way to reduce viral infections and associated sore throats.

And since lemon juice also boosts your immune system, you completely eradicate the infection in just one step.

How to do

For those who weigh less than 70 kg, squeeze half a lemon in a large glass of water.

If you are over 70 kg, use a whole lemon.

You can of course dilute the lemon juice further to your liking.

You can make it a regular cure or take it every morning.

Not only are the benefits of lemon water endless, but besides being an easy habit to form, it's also one of the most important changes you can make for your health.

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The Top 10 Lemon Juice Beauty Tips Every Girl Should Know.

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