Here's How to Unblock a Pipe with a Ferret in 5 Min.

Are your pipes blocked?

You can no longer use your shower, bath, sink or toilet?

Don't panic, you don't even need the plumber, a simple ferret is enough!

Don't have a ferret at home? No problem, we'll explain how to make a homemade ferret.

You can make a ferret using a simple wire hanger. Look :

How to make a homemade ferret

How to do

1. Take a metal hanger.

2. Unfold it entirely.

3. Make a hook at the end to catch the residue in the pipe.

4. Make a handle by folding the other end, as in the photo.


Using a homemade ferret

And there you have it, you get a long metal rod that you can use as a ferret :-)

Now, a big plug in my plumbing, that no longer scares me! Why ? Because the effective solution is to use a ferret.

It is a practical and economical trick to unclog pipe plugs, without the help of anyone and without having a lot of tools!

Bonus tip

Unclog pipe with a ferret

If you've decided to invest in a ferret like this, here's how to use it. You can also find it in DIY stores like Bricomarché or Castorama.

To use the ferret, insert the wire and rotate it in the pipes until the stopper, in order to disintegrate it.

Note that to facilitate rotation, some ferrets are equipped with a crank.

There you have it, you know how to use a crank ferret! It's very simple!

I'm not going to lie to you: you have to try again several times to get there. But in 5 minutes, it should be good.

Sure, it takes a little longer than a phone call, but the easy "call the plumber" solution would have cost me a lot more money.

Savings made

This clever trick for unblocking pipes is really very practical and very economical.

If you hire a plumber, you will have at least one for 200 € to unclog your pipes. Instead, you can buy a plumber's ferret for under $ 20.

If your pipes get clogged twice a year, you will have to 400 €. With a ferret bought once, you will only pay 20 €.

This makes 380 € savings over 1 year. Admit that it's still worth a try!

Your turn...

Have you tried this economical trick to unclog your pipes? Let us know in the comments if it works for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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7 Effective Tips To Unclog Sinks, Shower, Tub & Wash Basin Easily.

2 Effective Tips for Unblocking a Sink Naturally.

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