The Simple Remedy to Quickly Relieve a Stomach Ache.

Your stomach hurts every now and then after you eat.

It is often the result of poor digestion. We eat too fast, badly ...

Luckily, there is a simple and natural grandma's remedy for a stomachache quick relief. This is cumin. Original but effective! See for yourself:

cumin helps digestion and relieves stomach pain

How to do

1. Dilute a teaspoon of ground cumin in a large glass of water.

2. Swallow the glass of water all at once.


And there you have it, you have relieved your stomach ache :-)

Good the taste is really special and may surprise, but it will do you good to calm your stomach ache.

Simple, practical and effective to remove a stomach ache! And much more economical than taking Spasfon for example.

In addition to cleaning the stomach, it will relieve it by eliminating the accumulation of gas that makes the stomach ache and causes gas and burping. Suddenly, it will naturally ease your stomach ache.

Why it works

Since ancient times, this oriental spice has been used as a remedy for intestinal problems. It facilitates digestion and eliminates bloating.

Please note, I would like to point out that you should only use this treatment in the event of stomach aches and occasional bowel pain.

Cumin is not the remedy to use if you are prone to bloating a lot.

In this case, it is best to consult a specialist who will surely find the source of your problem.

Your turn...

Let us know if this cumin remedy has given you any relief and feel free to share your other tips, remedies and techniques for relieving stomach ache in the comments. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

An Effective Remedy for Stomach Aches.

3 Effective Remedies That Relieve Stomach Ulcers.

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