20 Old Insults Used by Our Grandmothers.

Getting angry happens to everyone! And there, hello insults!

But we have to admit it, our insults today are often commonplace.

While our grandmothers, they knew how to nail the beak to the pest with class!

What if we stole their best insults from the past? Original insults that no one knows about?

here is 20 old and funny insults our grandmothers used. Look :

20 Ancient Insults Our Grandmothers Used.

1. Rampart runner

Here is an insult which has the merit of being imaged. In the Middle Ages, it referred to women who prostituted themselves: the rampadiers! Unfortunately, as ramparts are scarce in our cities, the expression has ended up disappearing.

2. Puterelle

You guessed it, with this shorter term, we stay in the same register. A puterelle designates a young prostitute.

3. Gourgandine

Women with light morals are again targeted by this insult. A bitch is a woman of little virtue, in short a wanton!

4. Orchidoclast

So there it is clear, you will amaze your enemies. If you want to shine in society, you can take it out! A little etymology will help to understand the meaning of this insult (and to cultivate you). Orchidoclast comes from the Greek orkhis: "testicle" and klastos : "broken". Clear, isn't it?

5. Nodocephalus

But what a nodocephalus this one! In other words, what a head of a knot! It's still a lot classier, isn't it?

6. Coprolite

This is an insult that has its place in Larousse. It is a small piece of fossilized excrement. An elegant way to tell someone how little you think about them!

7. Alburostre

This insult could have been found in Captain Haddock's mouth. It means "white-beak", but much more chic.

8. Fot-en-cul

Another medieval insult which this time designates a sodomite.

9. Piss-cold

Alas, you certainly know at least one or two in your entourage ... This familiar insult indicates a boring, cold person, who breaks the mood. In other words, a vinegar piss ;-)

10. Fesse-Mathieu

A fesse-mathieu is a miser, a usurer. The origin of this funny insult refers to Saint Mathieu and means "who beats Saint Mathieu to extract money from him".

11. Micromyxiosis

This insult comes from the Greek myxo which means "snot". You guess it ? A micromyxious is a little brat!

12. I conchie you

An almost polite way of saying "I defile you with my excrement". Yes, it comes from Latin "concacare": soil with excrement.

13. Ambisenestre

We could say that he is a person who has 2 left hands, in short someone particularly clumsy. The opposite of ambidextrous, ultimately.

14. Belître

An old-fashioned insult that can hardly be found except in the great classics, such as Cyrano de Bergerac. A belître is a beggar, a beggar ... Not to be confused with fop who is not a compliment either!

15. Cacochym

A cacochyme is a whipper, a person of weak constitution ....

16. Olibrius

Originally, Olibrius was a Roman Emperor. Today an olibrius is someone whose behavior is weird, who likes to be noticed, eccentric and stupid.

17. Chiabrena

Another medieval expression that is a little redundant but which has the merit of being clear: a poop of poop.

18. Paltoquet

Originally, a paltoquet is a man who has rude manners. A paltoquet is a rude, boorish and insolent man. Everything to please!

19. Foutriquet

If runt seems trivial to you ... try foutriquet to denote an insignificant person. To be clearer, the term comes from "fuck". Know that this sweet word was addressed to Adolphe Thiers by Marshal Soult.

20. Faquin

A rascal is a dummy on which you could practice spear combat. It is not a very enviable situation ...

Bonus insults

Top insults our grandmothers used

And if you want to know all the insults, insults and all the bad words of the past, I recommend this Dico of forgotten insults. To insult ... with class!

Cheap Book of Insults

Your turn...

Do you know any other swear words from another time? Share them with us in the comments. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

30 Expressions From Another Time That Even Our Grandmothers No Longer Use.

45 Life Lessons Written By My 90 Year Old Grandmother.

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