Here Is How To Store Nettle Manure Easily For Months.

Nettle manure is a magical product.

It serves both as a fertilizer and as an insect repellent.

The recipe for nettle manure is simple, as is its manufacture.

Making it yourself is not too complicated, but it does take a lot of time.

It would be a shame to have to throw it away! So how do you store nettle manure?

Fortunately, there is a simple trick to storing nettle manure. at least 12 weeks.

The trick is to filter it and keep in airtight plastic containers. Look :

how to store nettle manure longer

How to do

1. Take a large sieve with a fine grid.

2. Pour the nettle manure through to filter it.

3. Remove all nettle residue from the manure.

4. Distribute the liquid in well-sealed plastic cans.

5. Store the cans in a cool place.


And There you go ! You can now keep your nettle manure for at least 3 months :-)

Not a bad shelf life, isn't it?

If you want a finer filtering, use old pantyhose so that no nettle residue is left behind.

Above all, do not use metal cans, as this mixture is very corrosive.

For a more practical side, pierce the bottom of the container with a small tap. It will allow you to serve yourself without having to open the container each time.

You now have nettle slurry that you can use for tomatoes. And if you want to learn more about how it is made and used, check out the trick here.

Your turn...

Have you tried this trick? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

Nettle Purin: Recipe and Uses Your Vegetable Garden Will Love.

3 Effective Remedies To Relieve Nettle Bites.

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