Freebox: How To Change The Wi-Fi Password To Choose One That Is EASY To Remember.

Nothing is more painful than typing in a Wi-Fi password!

Especially the Freebox which is always long and complicated ...

Every time a guest asks for the Wi-Fi password, it's a hassle!

Not only do you have to find it ... but they also have to type it several times before they get there!

Fortunately, here is the guide to easily change the Wi-Fi password and choose an easy to remember.

In addition, we also explain how to change the name of your Wi-Fi network to find it easily. Look :

How to have an easy to remember password to connect to the Freebox?

1. Log in to your Freebox subscriber area by clicking here

How to change the password and the name of your Freebox?

Note that the identifiers of the Free subscriber area are composed of a "fbx " followed by a numerical sequence (fbx123456 for example).

If you cannot find the username and password for your subscriber area, click here.

2. In the menu on the left, click on the "My Freebox" tab

Go to the Freebox tab of your Subscriber Area to change the password and the name of your Freebox.

3. Click on "Configure my Wi-Fi network"

Go to

4. Go to the "Wi-Fi network configuration" section

Here is how to see the name of your Freebox WiFi network.

This is where you will see the name of your Wi-Fi network, as above.

5. Under the option "Your personal Wi-Fi network", choose "Yes". And a little lower, enter the name you want for your Wi-Fi


Important, don't forget to select "Yes" in the "Your personal Wi-Fi network" option. Otherwise, your Wi-Fi will not be detectable!

6. Go down further and click on "Wi-Fi network security"

Click on

This is where your Wi-Fi password is located.

7. Type your new password in the "WIFI KEY" input field.

Put your new password in the input field to connect more easily to your Freebox.

8. Click on "Save settings" at the bottom right of the page

Last step: click on

9. Restart your Freebox

You will see a message telling you to restart your Freebox so that the settings are taken into account.

All you have to do is turn it off and then turn it on again.


And there you have it, the Wi-Fi password of your Freebox is now easy to remember because you chose it :-)

Easy, fast and convenient, isn't it? In addition, you have also chosen the name of your Wi-Fi!

You will be able to find it much more easily among all those around you.

Your guests will be able to easily connect when they come to see you at home.

Never again need to turn your Freebox around to find the famous extension Wi-Fi code!

It's still easier like that to reset the password, isn't it?

Note that this guide is valid for both the Freebox Revolution and the Freebox mini 4k. And by changing your password, it will be easier to find it later!

Your turn...

Have you tried this trick to change the Freebox password? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

Finally a Tip To Connect FREE to ALL Wi-Fi.

Airport Wi-Fi: The Map with All Passwords To Connect For FREE.

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