The Magic Trick To Make Rassis Bread Soft in 30 sec.

The bread from the day before has gone stale and you hate it?

You need good teeth to bite into stale bread.

And then, frankly, it's not the best.

Fortunately, with our tip, you will be able to restore softness to your stale bread.

To soften your stale bread, all it takes is a glass of water to catch your dry bread baguette. Look :

stale bread put in microwave

How to do

1. Put your hard bread on a plate.

2. Lay besidea glass of water.

3. Place a glass bell on the plate.

4. Put the plate covered with the bell in the microwave.

5. Start the microwave for 30 s.


There you go, now your bread is soft again :-)

The bread will soak up the water and it will become soft again, as if by magic! And you will make your hard bread soft and chewy quickly.

It is a simple and effective solution to refresh your hard bread and recover it.

No need to throw it away! And here you will find 6 tips for serving your stale bread.

Your turn...

Have you tried this trick to soften your stale bread? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

7 Tips that Work to Keep Bread Fresh Longer.

Inexpensive Recipe: Leftover Bread in Pain Perdu.

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