3 Simple Steps To Deep Clean Your Gas Stove.

Is your gas stove all dirty?

It is true that it gets dirty quickly when you cook regularly!

No need to buy cleaners full of harmful products to clean it!

My grandmother revealed to me her super efficient technique for deep cleaning her dirty stove.

Don't worry, this method is easy and all you need is white vinegar, a horsehair brush and washing up liquid. Look :

 the guide to cleaning a gas cooker easily before and after cleaning

1. The burners

Grease stains or sauces, burn marks ... If you leave them like this, the burners will eventually clog.

Luckily, all it takes is a little white vinegar to strip away stains without rubbing for hours.

Simply pour vinegar into a bowl, then dip a sponge in it. Wring it out and rub the burners with it.

You can also use an old toothbrush to scrub, after soaking it in the vinegar.

If your burners are very dirty, you will have to proceed differently. Don't worry, it's really easy too.

Just pour the white vinegar into a small basin and put the burners in it.

The vinegar should cover the burners well. Now let them soak in this bath overnight. The vinegar will do all the dirty work.

The next day, rinse them well with clean water. Finally, wipe them with a soft cloth. Check out the trick here.

And to remove traces of grease, sauce or burnt around the burners, use baking soda by following this tip. It does wonders without rubbing!

To discover : The Amazing Tip To Clean Without Scrubbing Gas Stove Grates.

2. The injectors

Your burners are clean now, but what about your injectors?

If you do not maintain them regularly, they may become permanently clogged.

To remove dirt inside the injectors, use a horsehair brush.

Gently rub it against the injectors so that the bristles gently fit into the small holes.

It may seem tempting to use a needle to unclog injectors. But it’s best to avoid it as it will ruin the holes.

And if the holes get bigger, the air inlets will be out of order and your gas stove will not work as well.

3. The oven

My grandmother doesn't have a self-cleaning oven on her stove.

But she does not buy a Décap'Four for all that. And it's much better for the ozone layer!

Even if your oven has a self-cleaning function, manual cleaning is useful from time to time and especially much less expensive in electricity.

To properly clean the oven, you must first wipe off any grease residue with a sponge.

Then wet a sponge and put dish soap on it. Place the sponge in the oven and rinse with very hot water.

And there you have it, plus a trace of burnt fat! It's still cleaner like that, isn't it?

If your oven is really dirty, you can use this trick with baking soda to strip it without getting tired.

To discover : Finally a Tip For Cleaning Between the Windows of an Oven.

Bonus tip

Does your oven start to smoke when you use it? Do not panic !

Just put a container of cold water in the oven, next to the dish.

The water will absorb the smoke and grease residue. And you will be able to breathe in the kitchen!

If any bad smells still remain, use one of these tips to make them go away quickly.

Your turn...

Have you tried these grandma's tips for washing the stove? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

How To Easily Clean Induction Plates.

How To Remove Cooked Fat From Baking Sheets With Baking Soda.

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