12 Surprising Tips to Relieve Your Sunburns.

Here are 12 products that you will surely have at home and that will relieve all your sunburns.

If you stay exposed for too long without applying enough cream, you can choose from these 12 products to soothe redness and burning sensation naturally.

And since these products are close at hand, you can start treating your sunburns right away.

1. With apple cider vinegar

Use apple cider vinegar to get the heat out of your sunburns and soothe them quickly

In a compress, spray or in a cold bath, apple cider vinegar helps release the heat contained in your sunburns.

And if the smell is not very pleasant on your skin, at least you will have much less pain and the redness will be largely reduced. Discover the whole trick here.

2. With cucumber

Pass a cucumber in a blender and apply the paste obtained on your sunburns to relieve them

Relieve burning and tightness with a natural cucumber-based mask, the ideal food to soothe sunburns.

The antioxidant and analgesic properties of cucumber effectively fight against sunburn. See the whole tip here.

3. With aloe vera

Use aloe vera ice cubes to relieve your sunburn

Aloe vera is certainly the most effective ingredient for sunburn relief.

Plan ahead and make aloe vera ice cubes in advance for immediate sunburn relief. See the whole tip here.

4. With a cold water bath

relieve sunburn by taking a cold water bath

A cold bath or shower will help soothe your sunburns. If you don't want to take a bath or shower, apply a cloth soaked in cold water, that also works. See the whole tip here.

5. With aspirin

Crush 2 aspirins in a bowl and add some water to make an anti-inflammatory paste. Apply to sunburns to calm them down

To soothe the burning sensation caused by your sunburns, aspirin allows you to make an additional anti-inflammatory ointment in a few seconds. See the tip here.

6. With a potato

Squeeze a potato and use its juice to relieve your sunburn. The starch in the potato will naturally reduce inflammation

The potato, thanks to the starch it contains, naturally relieves burns and skin irritations. Starch is indeed a natural anti-inflammatory. See the whole tip here.

7. With tea bags

earl gray sachet sunburn

Tea is an amazing remedy for soothing sunburns. Earl Gray or green tea both work very well. See the whole tip here.

8. With yogurt

Use plain yogurt that you let apply 15 minutes on your sunburns to soothe them

It is the probiotics in yogurt that help calm pain, reduce redness and repair the skin. See the whole tip here.

9. With white vinegar

Bottle of White Vinegar for sunburn

It is often said that Biafine is the best solution to treat severe sunburn. It is true but it is not the only one.

White vinegar is a great alternative if you hydrate your skin well afterwards with cream or yogurt. See the whole tip here.

10. With a tomato

Cut a tomato in half and apply directly to the sunburn to soothe it and reduce redness

As amazing as it sounds the tomato will soothe your sunburn and decrease the redness. See the whole tip here.

11. With lemon juice

Relieve sunburn: Squeeze three lemons and add 50cl of cold water. Apply the mixture with a cloth on sunburns to reduce them effectively.

The vitamin C contained in lemon will help your skin fight against sunburn. The reaction will therefore be less strong and the burn less aggressive. See the whole tip here.

12. With sodium bicarbonate

Use baking soda mixed with water as a skin care cream to fight sunburn

Baking soda has the property of immediately soothing the burning sensation and reducing redness. It is therefore an ideal ingredient! See the whole tip here.

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