The SIMPLE Trick to Refresh a Withered Salad.

I often forget a salad in the back of the fridge.

And when I notice it, it is already all damaged.

I guess, like me, you hate throwing food away. So what to do to firm up a withered salad?

Fortunately, my grandmother gave me a very simple recipe to revive a wilted salad.

All it takes is a little hot and cold water to make up for your damaged salad. Look :

to revive a damaged salad, immerse it in hot water then very cold

How to do

1. Immerse your salad in a tub of lukewarm water for 1 minute.

2. Empty your bin.

3. Fill it with very cold water: you can add ice cubes to lower the temperature even further.

4. Put your salad in this cold water for 5 minutes.

6. Empty your bin again.

7. Now rinse the salad by immersing it in water with 1 tablespoon of white vinegar.

8. Leave to soak for 5 minutes.

9. Wring it out.


And there you have it, your faded salad will regain its colors and crunch of yesteryear :-)

All you have to do is prepare a vinaigrette!

Why it works

It is the temperature difference between hot and cold water that makes it possible to brown the withered salad. The thermal shock restores firmness to the salad.

Your turn...

Have you tried this tip to spruce up your salad? Do you know any other tips to revive it? Come share them with us in comments. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

The Best Tip for Keeping Salad Fresh and Crunchy for a Week.

How to Cleanse a Salad Easily.

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