The Infallible Tip to Hunt My Dog's Fleas!

Does your dog scratch often? He might have fleas!

Are you wondering how to remove them?

Have you used flea collars before, but find that their effectiveness leaves something to be desired? Not to mention the price ... They are not cheap!

Fortunately, there is a natural and harmless grandmother's remedy,for your four-legged friend.

Lavender is a natural and infallible remedy to ward off fleas as quickly as possible.

lavender kills fleas

Lavender essential oil

How about testing lavender to kill fleas that bother your pet?

When you're about to brush your dog, consider using lavender essential oil diluted in water.

It is a natural and economical solution to repel fleas.

A simple spray or shampoo

Using a sprayer, spray this natural anti-flea lotion on your pet's coat or elseadd it to the shampoo you usually use when showering your little one.

The smell given off by it is very pleasant for us, but much less for fleaswho should quickly get the message. And so much the better because they were not really welcome!

With this trick, your pet will feel relieved to no longer have nasty critters on their backs that took pleasure in tickling them.

But beware ! Before treating your pet with essential oils, check with your veterinarian.

Bonus tip

Lavender is a natural repellent against fleas, but also against lice. So I use the same lavender essential oil on my children's hair, when I hear that at school there are a few cases of lice ...

And you, how do you go about eliminating fleas naturally from your pet? Let's discuss it together in the comments.

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