The Incredible Trick To Remove Traces Of Limestone From Glasses.

Are your glasses full of traces of limestone?

If you are in an area with hard water, no wonder.

Over time, limestone whitens your precious glasses.

And your dishwasher isn't helping matters.

Fortunately, there is a simple trick to removing lime from glasses.

The effective trick is to use white vinegar. Look :

How to clean bleached glasses

How to do

1. Dip a clean cloth in white vinegar.

2. Rub the bleached glass with the cloth.

3. Rinse the glass with clean water.


And there you have it, you have removed the lime stains on the glass :-)

You know how to descale your tarnished glasses! Easy to remove all that lime on glasses, isn't it?

Your glasses are still more beautiful and presentable without white streaks, right?

Your turn...

Have you tried this trick to remove lime from glasses? Tell us in the comments if it was effective. We can't wait to hear from you!

Do you like this trick ? Share it with your friends on Facebook.

Also to discover:

Limestone on the Tap? Quickly White Vinegar, the Most Effective Anti-Limestone.

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